Properties Nomenclature Preparation Reactions Synthesis Ketones and Aldehydes Properties Nomenclature Preparation Reactions Synthesis
Carbonyl Functional Groups
Large Dipole Controls Properties and Reactivity
Boiling Points Dipole-Dipole Interactions
Adrogenic/Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic Steroids
IUPAC Nomenclature Ketones
IUPAC Nomenclature Aldehydes
Classical Aldehyde Nomenclature
Preparation of Ketones and Aldehydes Friedel-Crafts Acylation (ketones) Gatterman-Koch Formylation (aldehydes) Hydration of Alkynes (ketones with oxymercuration, aldehydes with hydroboration) Ozonolysis of Alkenes (aldehydes and ketones depending on substitution) 1,3-Dithiane alkylations (aldehydes and ketones) Reduction of acids, acid chlorides and nitriles Gilman Reaction (ketones)
Friedel-Crafts Acylation
Isoflavones Highly Sought After Natural Products
Acylation occurs ortho to OH
Gatterman-Koch Formylation
Oxymercuration Hydration Markovnikov
Hydroboration Hydration Anti-Markovnikov
Ozonolysis Alkene Cleavage
Gilman Reagent with Acid Chlorides
DIBAH Diisobutyl Aluminum Hydride
Nucleophilic Addition Reactions: Strong Nucleophiles
Carbonyl Reactivity
Cyanohydrin Formation
Nucleophilic Addition Reactions: Weak Nucleophiles
Acetal Formation
Acetal Mechanism
Propose a Mechanism
Use of Ethylene Glycol to Protect Ketones and Aldehydes
Aldehydes React Preferentially
Imine Formation
Imines and Enamines
Imine Derivatives
Wolff-Kishner Reduction
Mechanism from Hydrazone
Enamine Mechanism (same as imine mech. until last step)
Wittig Reaction: C=O into C=C
Ylide Synthesis
Pure Alkene is Formed in Wittig Rxn
(Methoxymethylene)-triphenylphosphorane an Aldehyde Prep
Propose a Sequence of Steps…
Provide a Mechanism
Conjugate Addition to a,b-Unsaturated C=O groups
1,2- vs. 1,4-Addition
Gilman Reagents add 1,4
Carry Out Conjugate Addition 1st
MCAD Deficiency, a Genetic Disease Children with any of these enzyme deficiencies have a significant risk (20%) of death during the first, clinical episode of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose). Those patients affected show episodes of acute, life-threatening attacks that are symptomatically consistent with Reye’s Syndrome and sometimes misdiagnosed as S.I.D.S. The most common of these in-born errors is MCAD Deficiency. (Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase) ~1/50 Caucasians carry the gene.
MCAD Enzyme (MCAD) is one of the enzymes involved in mitochondrial fatty acid b-oxidation, which fuels hepatic ketogenesis, a major source of energy once hepatic glycogen stores become depleted during prolonged fasting and periods of higher energy demands. Typically, a previously healthy child with MCAD deficiency presents with hypoketotic hypoglycemia, vomiting, liver dysfunction, skeletal muscle weakness and lethargy triggered by a common illness. On average, this occurs between 3 and 24 months of age.
Ackee Fruit (Bligia Sapida) from Jamaica Ingestion of the unripe seeds from the fruit of the Jamaican Ackee tree causes a disruption of the dehydrogenase enzymes needed to metabolize fatty acids. This “vomiting sickness” is a result of the enzyme inhibitor Hypoglycin A. Ackee Fruit (Bligia Sapida) from Jamaica
(R)(-) MCPA is the Toxic Metabolite of Hypoglycin-A
Wittig Approach to Both Enantiomers
Wittig Approach to (S)(+)-MCPA Start with (R)(-) Epichlorohydrin SN2 on 1o Alkyl Chloride?
Wittig Sequence Affords (S) (Methylenecyclopropyl)methanol
Homologation to (S)(-)-MCPA
Approach to (R)-(+)-MCPA Same Wittig Approach with Ylide Opening the Epoxide First?