Culture Unit 5
Friday, October 17 Welcome! Please come in and be seated quietly. Open your Interactive Notebooks to the Warm-Up section 10/17/14 Warm-Up #26 How would you describe ‘culture’ to someone who had never heard of it? Answer:
Culture – What is it? Culture: The sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another. Culture: The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. Culture: The shared attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors of a group. Describe some aspects of our culture as Americans. Do you have specific familial cultures within your own homes?
Culture Includes Beliefs Languages Customs Foods Activities Style of living/industry Sports Entertainment Government
Culture ALSO Includes… Shelter Clothing Economy Religion Education Values Climate
Education The development of the mind and character through study and training.
Language Spoken or written words; human speech.
Shelter Something that protects from weather or from danger.
Clothing Things worn to cover the body.
Economy A system of exchanging goods and services among a society.
Religion A system of beliefs that goes beyond human practices.
Values Ideals or beliefs that guide the way people live.
Climate The usual weather that a place experiences.
Government/Laws Rules made and enforced by the government of a country.
Entertainment/Recreation Something that is done for fun or relaxation.
Aspects of Other Cultures in America? Think of three examples of foreign influence on our “American” culture.
Melting Pot versus Salad Bowl Melting Pot is based around the idea that other cultures that come into the United States “melt” into our culture and lose their own culture and traditions. America is Diverse Is this concept “outdated?” What would be a better term for the combination of cultures in the United States?