Epic Poetry A Story of Epic Proportions: What makes a poem an epic?
EPIC One of the major forms of narrative literature A long sweeping narrative that recounts (retells) the actions, travels, adventures, and heroic deeds of a heroic or mythological person or group of people Epics are frequently set in a past thought to be greater and finer than the present, and they are usually long and of a serious nature. It is usually written in high literary style and it may have twelve or twenty four books The Odyssey is a “nostos” epic; it focuses on homecoming rather than glory.
Epic PURPOSES: To Entertain To Provoke Thought and Emotion To Present a Story about Values and Beliefs
2 types of Epics Primary or Folk Epic No single author (each is a product of the oral tradition) Written down after centuries of oral transmission– e. g., Beowulf and the Iliad
General Characteristics - Hero Main character is heroically larger than life, usually of noble birth and stands for the ideals of a nation or race; a hero of national or historical importance Principal characters are larger-than-life demigods (descendants of deities) or heroes of immense stature and strength . Hero survives by using his intellect as well as his physical strength Hero’s larger than life heroic qualities and human weaknesses and unwise actions are both present Heroes represent cultural ideals like endurance and cunning (Odysseus), all-round virtue (Achilles), fair play and selflessness (Beowulf).
General Characteristics - Story Journey takes places over a long period of time - many years Journey is complicated by supernatural beings or events – involvement in supernatural powers Setting is vast, encompassing the known world, the universe, and sometimes the underworld (The Land of the Dead) Story is fictional, but may explain some of the events in the history of a nation or people Gods play an integral role in the outcome of actions Themes are timeless, allowing them to be passed through ages
General Characteristics – Hero and Story Single combat is a common plot device . If the warriors are equals, such as Achilles and Hector, they fight with sword and spear. Lesser foes are fought with lesser weapons. The hero often has a special weapon or quality (Odysseus’ disguises). Other stock episodes include a trip to the underworld. Primary epics were originally intended to be sung or recited to music: "Sing, Muse . . . .“ There is a “Medias Res” opening– in the middle of things. The subject is often announced with an “Invocation of a Muse”. Epics often have a nationalistic bias and interest.
Epic Conventions Poem begins with a statement of the theme Invocation to the muse or god – asking for help with telling the story Story begins in the present and shifts to the past Long detailed lists and descriptions of significant items Elevated, literary language is the norm-even servants speak in dignified verse. Long, formal speeches such as challenges, inset narratives, flashbacks, and points of debate occur within the midst of the action; characters are commonly revealed in dialogue.
Epic Style Epic Simile (Homeric Simile): An elaborated more involved version of a regular simile. Homer uses similes for emphasis. Epic similes compare the epic action with every day actions to allow for understanding. Epithet: Adjective or descriptive phrase that is regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing. Honest Abe – Lincoln America the Beautiful – U.S.A. Master Mariner – Odysseus