INTELLIGENT AGENTS Properties of intelligent agents autonomy - ability to perform tasks and decisions without direct intervention of humans social ability, ability to interact with humans and agents responsiveness, the ability to perceive the environment and respond to changes
proactiveness, the ability to take initiative and to exibit goal-directed behavior adaptability, the ability of an agent to modify its behavior mobility, the ability to change physical location veracity, assumption of no false information rationality, ability to perform reasonably
Lastnosti - Pattie Maes opazuje uporabnika dobiva povratne informacije od uporabnika dobiva neposredna navodila od uporabnika pridobiva izkušnje iz okolja agent in uporabnik komunicirata, nadzorujeta, izvajata opravila se uči glede na interese, navade in želje uporab.
Lastnosti - Etzioni avtonomija pri izvajanju opravil: sprejema zahtevne naloge od uporabnika, modificira zahteve, izvaja prilagodljiva opravila, sam začne izvajati opravila časovna kontinuiteta - stalno deluje osebnost zmožnost komunikacije prilagodljivost uporabniku mobilnost
“Simple rules” does it perform typical user-oriented functions (insurance agent) autonomy - performs actions on its own (yes) - is prediction of actions possible (no) adapts to each specific user - different reactions for the same error works all the time, looks around (mobile) data - information - knowledge
Lastnosti agentov dokaj splošne definicije - noben sistem nima vseh lastnosti agentov - sistemi imajo več ali manj lastnosti agentov - meja ni točno definirana “agent” je nekoliko drugačen program podobne relacije: nestrukturno > strukturno programiranje; modularno > objektno; informacijski sistemi > ekspertni sistemi; podatki > informacije > znanje
Kategorije agentov; Etzioni sovozniki v taksiju - svetujejo, kje zaviti voznik taksija, ki pelje po navodilih uporabnika tajnica oz. asistent, ki sprejme nalogo in jo samostojno izvede
Examples of agents Internet - filtering, browsing; 60 agents on PC - system agents, Office’97
Slovenian agents 1993 IOI, interface VAX/VMS; B. Hribovšek, M. Gams 1996 EMA, an employment agent for Slovenia on Internet, M. Gams, A. Karalič, M. Grobelnik, M. Drobnič, P. Golob; National Employment Office 1998 Personal WebWatcher, D. Mladenič
EMA - EMployment Agent
An Internet Agent
An Agent of Agents
Communication with anybody on the Net EMA observes a user communicating with an employment database through a form EMA repeats the query EMA modifies the query EMA “sucks” the database EMA reads any Internet employment database
CONCLUSION Intelligent agents are among the most prospective new SW breeds; even now world record holders Intelligent agents represents a marriage between AI, intelligent systems, and information society