1.03 Understand the disorders of the skeletal system
1.03 Understand the disorders of the skeletal system What do you think? 2
1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system Essential Standards: What are some disorders of the skeletal system? How are skeletal disorders treated? How does the skeletal system relate to the body’s systems of support and movement? 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system 3
Disorders of the Skeletal System 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system 4
Arthritis arthr/o: joints itis: inflammation Define the term based on the meaning of its parts. arthr/o: joints itis: inflammation Inflammation of one or more joints, very painful, different types 5
Arthritis Osteoarthritis Degenerative, occurs with aging, joints become large and painful Treated with medications 6
Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Chronic, autoimmune disease, joint becomes swollen and painful, joint deformities are common 7
Arthritis Arthritis Compare rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Osteo - occurs with aging Rheumatoid - autoimmune 8
Gout Uric acid deposited in joint cavity mostly the great toe prevalent in men very painful Gout is treated with diet and medication 9
Osteoporosis Break down the word: Oste/o : bone por/ous : having holes - osis : condition What household object does osteoporosis remind you of? Sponge or swiss cheese 10
Osteoporosis Osteoporosis affected 80% of women are Involves loss of bone mass, calcium and phosphorus leading to thin porous (spongy) bones prone to fracture 11
Osteoporosis Treatment: Prevented by dietary calcium and Vitamin D intake 12
Rickets Found in children with poor diet (most often in poverty) Normal legs Found in children with poor diet (most often in poverty) Caused by a lack of Vitamin D Bones become soft (osteomalacia) Bones brend and break easily 13
Rickets Normal legs Treatment Medications that include calcium, vitamin D and sunshine Difficulty walking due to malformed long bones in legs Is this a health concern in the U.S.? Yes, particularly in poverty areas 14
Abnormal Spinal Curvatures Kyphosis Lordosis Scoliosis Hunchback Swayback Internal Curve in thoracic spine Curve in lumbar spine S curve in spine
Trauma Trauma Dislocation: bone displaced from proper position in joint Fractures: any break in bone 16
Dislocation Dislocation Subluxation Bone displaced from normal position Subluxation A partial dislocation 17
Skeletal System Trauma Fracture: any break in bone - confirmed by X- Ray 18
Trauma: Fractures Fractures: Many types of fractures treated differently 19
Skeletal System Trauma Fractures Closed or simple Broken bones do not break skin Usually requires a cast 20
Trauma: Fractures Fractures Open or compound Broken bones pierce skin Can lead to infection Usually needs to be fixed by open reduction and internal fixation - this involves surgery, using pins and screws to secure the break 21
Skeletal System Trauma Fractures Comminuted Splintered or broken into many pieces 22
Trauma: Fractures Fractures Greenstick Very common in children Bone bent and splintered but never completely separates 23
Trauma: Fracture Fracture sites related to osteoporosis Why are these common fracture site for older adults? Brace for fall land on side humpback 24
Trauma: Sprain Sprain: Caused by sudden or unusual motion Ligaments are torn or damaged Treat with RICE: rest/ice/compression/elevation 25
Trauma: Strain Strain: Caused by overstretching of tendons or tearing of muscle, the muscle can bleed (Bruise) Treat with RICE: Rest Ice for 48 hours Compression: wrap are of injury Elevation the injury 26
1.03 Understand the Disorders of the Skeletal System Essential standards: What are some disorders of the skeletal system? How are skeletal disorders treated? How does the skeletal system relate to the body’s systems of support and movement? 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system 27
1.03 Understand the Disorders of the Skeletal System The End 28