Research Administrators’ Forum Elizabeth H. Adams Assistant Vice President of Research Administration January 26, 2017
OSP Staffing Update Karin Smith, Grants Assistant Wendy Charlton, Grants Assistant Bill Schoelwer, Contract Negotiator Dette LaRobardier, Contracts Administrator Offer pending for Director of Pre Award Several positions posted (join us )
FY17: Mid-year update Research funding is increasing at UVA at impressive rates in a hypercompetitive environment (8% dollar value growth from FY15 to FY16; ~11% dollar value growth after 2QFY17) SOM and SEAS are leading the way Awards from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy show unusually significant growth Spending at federal agencies for the 2017 government fiscal year, which began last October, is currently frozen at 2016 levels through the end of April under a continuing resolution; agency awardmaking naturally tends to be more conservative under continuing resolutions
ResearchUVA: Major Objectives Achieved in FY17 Strategic Investment Fund proposal awarded; selected by President Sullivan as model SIF application ResearchUVA now captures proposal data (as of 7/1/16) Number of proposals submitted Dollar value of proposals submitted Data definitions developed; data quality measures implemented “Hit rate” methodologies developed ResearchUVA now captures all project key and senior personnel Underpins reporting on “interdisciplinary research” Underpins “credit” considerations related to the business of interdisciplinary research ResearchUVA now captures effort commitments Critical compliance issue Currently there is no reliable, enterprise-level source of current and pending information for investigators Platform to daily reconcile information between ResearchUVA and Oracle; our preaward and postaward systems do not currently talk (!)
ResearchUVA: Major Objectives Remaining in FY17 Capability to document, route and track non-funded agreements (NFAs) such as NDAs, DUAs, MTAs; rolling out January 2017 No process for this segment of work in the past; no reporting on this segment of work in the past Limited cost recovery models for this increasing segment of work Sponsored programs “dashboard”/data visualization and analytics platform; rolling out February-March 2017 Optical character recognition of all documents in ResearchUVA Evaluate integration with other UVA systems/business functions such as ResearchNET, COI, IRB, ACUC, CRISP, etc. Establishment/redevelopment of standard operating procedures governing major transaction types in ResearchUVA Redevelopment of ResearchUVA security model ResearchUVA must meet web accessibility standards Review vendor-supplied preaward enterprise system solutions