Exposition What does Exposition mean?
Exposition Charlie is a good natured, mentally handicapped man who works at a factory and attend night school to improve his reading abilities
Complicating Incident What does this term mean?
Complicating Incident Charlie gets the operation
Rising Action What does this term mean?
Rising Action Charlie’s intellectual abilities increase Charlie realizes people he thought were friends were actually making fun of him Charlie falls in love with Kinnian Algernon bites Charlie What does this foreshadow….????
Climax What does this term mean?
Climax Charlie works hard to find what causes Algernon’s regression
Falling Action What does this term mean?
Falling Action Charlie’s vocabulary and punctuation worsen Charlie reverts back to where he once was with some exceptions…..
Characterization How is Charlie Characterized?
Charlie is Characterized through Speech Indirectly
What type of character is Charlie? Static? Dynamic? Stock?
Charlie is Dynamic Why?
Conflict Person vs person Person vs self Person vs society Person vs machine Person vs nature External and Internal
Conflict Person vs person (Strauss vs Nemur) (external) Person vs self (Charlie vs his low IQ) (Internal) Person vs society (Charlie vs society stereotypes) (could be both) Person vs machine (Charlie vs increasing his IQ through surgical means) (External)
Tone An attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience.Tone is generally conveyed through the choice of words or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject.
Tone Hopeful then Sorrowful Happy then sad
Theme of FFA Consequences of changing nature is unpredictable
Point of View 1st person
Vocabulary to know Naivety Regression Vicious Spector Advise
Vocabulary to know Naivety: simple/gullible Regression: revery/throw back Vicious: wicked/shameless Spector: Aura/shadow Advise: suggest/advise