Literary Terms Picture Dictionary By: Brooke and Dorika 1
Index Exposition/Antagonist Page 3 Protagonist/Plot Page 4 Setting/Climax Page 5 Conflict/Metaphor Page 6 Simile/Personification Page 7 Flashback/Foreshadowing Page 8 Theme/Resolution Page 9 Dialogue/Symbol Page 10 Rising Action/Flat Character Page 11 Round Character/Tone Page 12 First Person/Third Person Page 13 Point of View Page 14
EXPOSITION- tells what had happened to lead up to where the story is EXPOSITION- tells what had happened to lead up to where the story is. Also showing the bonds between characters. ANTAGONIST- the character in a story that would seem to be the ”bad guy”. 1
PLOT- what happens in the story. PROTAGONIST- the hero. PLOT- what happens in the story. 1
SETTING- where the story takes place. CLIMAX- the turning point of a story. 1
METAPHOR- compares two different things using “like” or “as”. CONFLICT- 1) internal- problems with yourself.2) external- problems with everything else. METAPHOR- compares two different things using “like” or “as”. 1
LOVE IS LIKE A SIMILE- using like or as to compare two things. PERSONIFICATION- gives non-human things human-like characteristics. LOVE IS LIKE A 1
FLASHBACK- going back in time. FORESHADOWING- hints to what is going to happen in a story. 1
THEME- the main idea of a story. RESOLUTION- the answer to the problem. 1
DIALOGUE- the conversations between characters. SYMBOL- something standing for something else and meaning more. 1
RISING ACTION- the events that lead to the climax. FLAT CHARACTER- only getting to see one side of the character. 1
ROUND CHARACTER- showing good/bad traits. TONE- the way the author feels about character in a story. 1
FIRST PERSON- using I to tell a story. THIRD PERSON- using We or Us to tell a story. 1
POINT OF VIEW- how the story is being told and who is telling it 1