Plot Climax Rising Action Falling Action Resolution Exposition Structure and relationship of actions and events in a story Climax Rising Action Falling Action Resolution Exposition
Exposition Setting: The characters are attending a carnival somewhere in Italy then they will eventually end up in an underground catacomb/vault. Characters: The two main characters are Montresor and Fortunato and they reference another character by the name of Luchresi. Problem/Conflict: Montresor wants to take his revenge on Fortunato Fortunato is dressed liked a fool and is intoxicated from the beginning of the story; Montresor is dressed in a black cloak and is wearing a black mask
Rising Action Montresor’s plans get set into motion Montresor greets his “friend” with tension, Fortunato does not feel this tension nor does he realize he has insulted Montresor Montresor begins talking about the Amontillado and tempts Fortunato Montresor then talks about how Luchresi will be able to help him more Fortunato then exclaims, “Luchresi cannot tell Sherry from Amontillado”. Montresor’s plans get set into motion
Climax Montresor lures Fortunato down to the vaults/catacombs by persuading him with Amontillado The atmosphere changes from an exciting party feel to a very dark, mysterious and scary atmosphere Fortunato begins coughing due to the nitre, Monstresor urges his friend to return to the palazzo but Fortunato refuses
Falling Action Montresor offers Fortunator Medoc (more to drink) to calm his cough but he is actually making Fortunato become more intoxicated Montresor “surprises” Fortunato by chaining him to a wall in the “niche” Begins to build wall Fortunato pleads for his life, Montresor mocks him
Resolution Montresor begins to feel ill before placing the last brick (nitre or guilt?) Before placing the last brick Fortunato is silent; Montresor puts his torch inside to be sure he is still in there…he’s cant see anything but he can hear the jingling of the bells on his cap The cap jingles in defeat and fear Montresor places the final brick and then conceals his deed by moving bones in front of the new wall
Conflict Struggle between two opposing forces Man versus Man: Montresor seeking revenge on Fortunator Man versus Self: Montresor feeling guilt before placing the last brick(?)
Mood What is the different between mood and tone? Let’s see how many we can come up with……….
Symbolism The character’s clothing…specifically Fortunado Montresor’s Family Crest Family Motto: "Nemo me impune lacessit,“ or "No one insults me with impunity."
Themes Revenge Deception Pride Any others?