Elements of Literature
Short Story A work of fiction that can be read in one sitting Focused more tightly on a single event 10,000 words or less
Novel A fictional prose narrative of significant length Bildungsroman A German term meaning “formation novel” A novel about a child or adolescent’s development into maturity, with a special focus on the protagonist’s quest for identity
Drama/Play A story meant to be performed in theater before an audience Most written dialogue Most are divided into several acts Many include stage directions and instructions for sets and costumes
Plot Diagram Plot Chain of related events that take place in a story Climax Falling Action Rising Action Resolution Exposition
Elements of a Plot Diagram Exposition Gives the background information of a story Rising Action Introduces complications; builds suspense Climax Turning point; suspense reaches its peak Falling Action Actions of the characters after the climax leading to the resolution Resolution Conclusion for the characters; outcome of the story
Conflict: a struggle between opposing forces Internal External Man vs. Himself Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Man vs. Supernatural
Characters Protagonist Antagonist Central character of the story Main character Hero/Heroine Admirable Antihero/Antiheroine Not admirable Challenges our notions of what should be considered admirable Character who causes or leads the conflict against the protagonist
Characters (cont.) Dynamic Static Capable of contradiction and change with evidence of emotional and psychological development A character who has no mental or emotional development exhibits strong defining characteristics, speech habits, and the like, but still falls short of the complexity of a round character
Characterization Indirect Direct Speech, thoughts, feelings or actions of the character The narrator’s direct comments about a character Physical appearance
Setting Environment Not only the geographical place Historical Era Daily Lives or Customs of the Characters Season of the Year May be real or imaginary The suggestive mood that the setting may create is called the ATMOSPHERE. For example, the open windows of the nursery in Peter Pan create an atmosphere of innocence and magic.
-Edgar Allan Poe, “The Fall of the House of Usher” Tone The general atmosphere created in a story, or the narrator’s attitude towards the story or reader What do you think is the TONE of the following excerpt? During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country ; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was - but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. -Edgar Allan Poe, “The Fall of the House of Usher”
Foreshadow An author’s hint(s) at future actions
Point of View Author Participant (1st person) Author Observer (3rd) Author Omniscient (3rd) Limited Omniscient (3rd) Multiple Storytellers
Symbol Person, place, an activity, or an object that stands for something BEYOND ITSELF
Theme In literature, theme is a perception about life or human nature that the writer wants to share with the reader. In most cases, the theme is not stated directly but must be inferred. Themes can be revealed by a story’s title key phrases and statements about big ideas the ways the characters change and the lessons they learn about life