Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
Comedy Definition – a comedic play has at least one humorous character, and a successful or happy ending. Characteristics of … The main action is about love. The would-be lovers must overcome obstacles and misunderstandings before being united in harmonious union. The ending frequently involves a parade of couples to the altar and a festive mood or actual celebration (expressed in dance, song, feast, etc.) Twelfth Night has three such couples.
Twelfth Night Type of work: play Genre: comedy Time written: between 1600-1602 Place written: England Tone: Light, cheerful, comic; occasionally frantic and melodramatic, especially in the speeches of Orsino and Olivia.
Twelfth Night Tense: Present (the entire story is told through dialogue) Setting (time): Unknown Setting (place): The mythical land of Illyria (Illyria is a real place, corresponding to the coast of present-day Yugoslavia, but Twelfth Night is clearly set in a fictional kingdom rather than a real one.)
Twelfth Night Characters: Viola (a.k.a. Cesario) Duke Orsino Olivia Sebastian Malvolio Feste Sir Toby Belch Maria Sir Andrew Aguecheek Antonio
Main Plot Count Orsino & Olivia Viola/Cesario & Count Orsino Antonio & Sebastian (III.iii) Olivia & Sebastian
Sub Plot Maria & Sir Toby Sir Andrew & Olivia Malvolio Feste
Dramatic Structure Major Conflict (Problem): Viola is in love with Orsino, who is in love with Olivia, who is in love with Viola’s male disguise, Cesario. This love triangle is complicated by the fact that neither Orsino nor Olivia knows that Cesario is really a woman (Viola). Rising Action: The mounting confusion, mistaken identities, and professions of love, leading up to Act V.
Dramatic Structure Climax: Sebastian and Viola are reunited, and everyone realizes that Cesario is a woman. Falling Action: Viola prepares to marry Orsino; Malvolio is freed and vows revenge. Resolution: Everyone pairs up and goes off to celebrate…except Malvolio
Themes Love (joy and pain of it) Mistaken Identity (disguises…who?) Pranking/funmaking Revenge (who?) Madness (delusions)
Journal Prompt Pretend that you are good friends with either Olivia or Sir Toby. What advice would you give Olivia at the end of Act I Scene v, or Sir Toby at the end of Act II Scene v. Review the scene and write based on what happened during it. Do only one.