Warm Up 1.24 The Sonnet (write down only what is bolded): It is a poem of fourteen lines, usually iambic. The Petrarchan, or Italian, sonnet contains eight lines of meaning, followed by six. The rhyme scheme (different from Shakespearean): ababcdcd and cdecde. The Shakespearean, or English, sonnet is more precise. It uses this rhyme scheme: ababcdcdefefgg There are two basic formats : The problem is given in first two quatrains (8 lines), dealt with tentatively in the last quatrain, and solved summarily in the couplet, or The situation is developed through one example from each couplet, and concluded in the rhyming couplet. The part after which the sonnet’s context changes in purpose is known as the ‘turn’.
Learning Targets To read examples of the sonnet. To use the SIFT method to analyze these poems. To determine the theme of each poem and to fill out the chart.
Sonnet 116 Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no; it is an ever-fixed mark, That looks on tempests, and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom. If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved. -Willy S.
Sonnet – Billy Collins SYMBOLS (write down all objects you see and think of what they could symbolize) IMAGERY (think of each of the five senses – see, hear, smell, taste, touch) and write down each image that this poem evokes. FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE (look for fig. language that is most important to the meaning of the poem) TONE (identify words that give the reader a clue to the tone of the poem).
Independent Work Determine the THEME of each poem. Add both yesterday’s and today’s poems to the chart that you started Monday in your journal. Title Theme Poem Type Evidence On My First Son Ode to My Socks My Ex-Husband Sonnet 116 American Sonnet
Poetic Form Group Project REQUIREMENTS: A group oral presentation, based on your assigned poetic form, composed of the following: Thorough research efforts that are shared to the class in a complete, clear, and interesting manner. A visual, such as PowerPoint, to share your compiled data with the rest of the class. A recitation and analysis of a poem done by each of the students. Strong presentation skills An MLA Works Consulted sheet for each group
Groups – Period 3 Aubade Ryan Jordan Katelyn Pastoral Eric Victoria Pastoral Eric Victoria Eli M. Ballad Joe Sara Matt M. Sestina Brendan Kate L. Jacob M. Heather Villanelle Hunter Luke Hannah Ode Sami Mia Agnes Ben Elegy Austin Carease Ethan Dramatic Monologue Clayton Christian Eli P. Maddie S. Sonnet Jake Kate F. Max Emma
Groups – Period 4 Aubade Brock Liam Fitzg. Hailey Ryan Pastoral Asia Liam Fitzp. Lucas Ballad Jackson Andre David Madi V. Sestina Wilson Marissa Madi M. Israel Villanelle Alex Daniel Keaton Ode Claudia Chris Kendall Trevor Elegy Donnelle Julia Nicole Dramatic Monologue Everett Alexandria Molly Seth Sonnet Justin Caleigh Cody
Groups – Period 5 Aubade Tyler Kaitlyn Marcus Pastoral Saleem Madison Tatyana Ballad Justin Alex Sydney Sestina Antonio John Alivia Villanelle Missy Michael Anita Morgan Ode Austin Bram Lauren Lanie Elegy Jared Izaak Alicia Dramatic Monologue Briana Conner Caleb Sonnet Chasity Triston Brandon
To Do Today: Finish all research: ensure that it’s thorough and corroborates with that of your group mates. Find a worthy example of your assigned form of poem (it must be written by a professional writer/poet). Print it for tomorrow. Create an MLA Works Consulted using Easybib (see link on Google Classroom) Create a visually pleasing PowerPoint Slideshow for your presentation next week.