RHYMING! What is rhyme? Rhyme = repetition of the SAME ending SOUND in two words Why do we rhyme? - Links lines of the poem together - Pleasing to the ear (sounds good) - Flow - Interesting for the reader
End Rhyme End Rhyme- most common rhyme the last SYLLABLE (word) of one line rhymes with the last syllable of another line ex. I love you dear Forever I am here As she climbs the stairs her temper shakes and flares
Internal Rhyme Internal rhyme: 2 words rhyme within one line of poetry Ex. No matter where she saw the bear It still gave her a fright in the night
Rhyme Schemes Rhyme scheme: Pattern of end rhymes in a poem Each different rhyming set of words in a poem is marked by a different letter! Ex. Roses are red Violets are blue I wish I were wed to you. AB A B
Poetry Exit Ticket 1- October 3rd! List 3 differences between POETRY and PROSE. 2. Record the rhyme scheme for the poem below on your paper: There was a girl from France Who really loved to dance But it turned out she knew a man He really was not a fan So he ran her through with a lance 3. In the poem for question 3, identify: a. the number of lines b. the number of stanzas.