Literature Terms
Plot Summary of the story Plot has six parts Exposition-Introduction of the story Conflict-Something vs. Something Rising Action-Events start to pick up Climax-Highest action of the story Falling Action-Events leading to solution Denouement-Closing of the story
Setting Where and when the story takes place Most stories have both, but some may only give one or the other
Characters People in the story Most important part is the personality of the character
Point of View Who is telling the story 1st Person-Someone inside the story is telling it 3rd Person Limited-Someone outside the story that does not know ALL the information 3rd Person Omniscient-Someone outside the story that knows EVERYTHING (all-knowing narrator)
Theme What the reader takes away from the story
Tone Emotions within the story Usually 3 or 4 different moods within the story
Simile Making a comparison of unlike things using like or as She is as big as a house.
Metaphor Making a comparison of unlike things without using like or as Life is a casino where the lucky people are good.
Personification Giving human characteristics to something that is not human The wind tapped the man’s shoulder as he walked.
Hyperbole A major exaggeration That girl is as big as a whale.