Murder & Euthanasia Choices- action or Apathy ELA B10
Today… Entrance slips Video Definitions Sue Rodriquez Robert Latimer
What is murder? The Criminal Code defines murder as killing someone where the killer meant to cause the person's death or meant to cause bodily harm that was likely to result in their death. There are two degrees of murder Mens Rea- mental intent Actus Rea- action
First and Second Degree Murder First Degree- murder planned and deliberate or premeditated Second Degree- murders that are spontaneous and are not planned in advance
What is Euthanasia? the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma Mercy killing
Sue Rodriquez- 1950 - 1994 Diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s), a neurodegenerative disease Asked permission from the Criminal Code of Canada if she could partake in an assisted suicide- 1991 She took her case to the Supreme Court of Canada twice, losing her trial both times / /
Sue’s Decision An unknown Doctor assisted Sue’s suicide in 1994 No charges were ever made
Robert Latimer From Wilkie Saskatchewan Had a daughter Tracy, (1980-1993) who suffered severely from cerebral palsy CP- impaired muscle coordination due to lack of oxygen in the brain before or after birth
Robert’s Decision Initially, Robert claimed that Tracy died in her sleep However, autopsy evidence found high levels of carbon monoxide in Tracy’s blood Latimer confessed that he had killed her by placing her in his truck and connected a hose from the truck’s exhaust into the vehicle Robert was there by his daughter’s side while the rest of the family was at church
Robert Latimer’s Punishment In 1997 Latimer was convicted of second degree murder In 2008 Robert was granted day parole September 9, 2010 The National Parole Board agreed to allow Latimer to spend 5 nights in his Victoria apartment and 2 nights in a halfway house In January of 2015, Latimer has been ruled to travel freely outside of Canada
Latimer’s Mercy
Is either of these cases murder? Yes? No?