Global Environmental Issues
Why do global environmental issues matter? We all live on the planet changes that affect the world will affect the people living in it. Your health and wellness is related to the environment. Pollution causes breathing problems. Climate change leads to crop failure. Overpopulation affects the ability of resources. Let’s explore the biggest environmental issues right now, what causes them, why they matter, and how we can solve these problems.
Pollution What is polluted? Air, water, and soil Causes? A lot of pollution is caused by motor vehicle exhaust and industry. Water pollution is caused by oil spills, acid rain, and urban runoff (when pollution from cities runs into the water supply). Air pollution is caused by exhaust from cars and gases and toxins from factories. Soil pollution comes from industrial waste that keeps the soil from having the nutrients it needs. What can we do?
Global Warming What does global warming do? Causes rise in water and surface temperatures, melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels and severe weather. Why? It is believed that global warming is caused by emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that absorb infrared radiation. What can be done?
Overpopulation What is it? More people on the planet than the earth’s resources can handle. Overpopulation is especially bad in developing countries. The struggle to produce food for all those people causes damage to the soil. What can be done?
Waste Disposal What is the issue? Too much waste (especially plastic and electronics) cause more garbage than there is room for. Waste is often dumped in oceans causing damage to ocean life and water pollution. How can we solve the problem?
Loss of biodiversity What is the issue? As some species of plants and animals become endangered or extinct it unbalances the ecosystems. Why it matters- Some species are going extinct before we can discover their usefulness. Pollination (important in growing crops) is affected by the loss of biodiversity. What can we do?
Deforestation What it is? Destruction of huge forest and jungles for lumber or to clear land for farming. Why it is a problem? It destroys habitats of animals and causes erosion. Trees produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. People need oxygen to breathe. What can we do?
Holes in the ozone layer What is it? The ozone layer is an invisible layer around the earth that protects us from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. What causes it? Certain chemicals called fluorocarbons make holes when they float up to the ozone. Fluorocarbons used to be found in many products but have been banned in many countries. What can we do?
Acid Rain What is acid rain? When certain pollutants go up in the air the mix with rain and fall as acid rain. Why it matters? Acid rain can damage plants and crops and cause health issues in people? What can we do?
Water Pollution What is water pollution? Water that is polluted from industrial run off. Why it matters? Everyone needs clean drinking water and lack of clean water is a world wide problem. Lack of clean water leads to illnesses, like dysentery and cholera. What can we do?
Genetic Engineering What is it? Genetic modification of food using biotechnology. Why it matters? It results in more toxins food and diseases. Also it causes resistance to antibiotics. What can we do?