Lecture Overview Understanding grid frameworks CSS design best practices Stylesheet organization Fixed vs. fluid layouts Look at existing templates
The 960 Grid System (1) It was a de facto standard for standardized layouts (Nathan Smith is credited with its creation) The grid is typically structured as follows Total width 960px / Total content area is 940px 12 columns @ 60px each Each column has 10px left & right margin which forms 20px of gutter space As screens get wider, some consider the 960 grid obsolete
The 960 Grid System (2) There are 12, 16, and 24 column versions Download from http://adapt.960.gs/
The 960 Grid System (Illustration)
How it Works Create an outer <div> tag with the class container_12 or container_16, … Create sub elements grid_x where x is the number of columns Continue to create elements until the total is 16 Create a <div> tag with the clear class to reset Continue to create columnar elements See grid960.html
The 1200 PX Grid System Nearly all modern monitors support at least 1280 x 1024 pixels 1200 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40 ,48, 60, 80, 120, 200, 240, 400 http://1200px.com This came out of the 960 system from years ago There are other grid systems too
Design Steps (1) Draw a logical layout first What the page should look like Create an HTML structure that will support the layout Create the HTML before the CSS. Don’t create the CSS concurrently Use semantic tags instead of <div>, where appropriate Then create the CSS
Design Steps (2) If your CSS is getting complex, use multiple stylesheets Keep a library of commonly used and helpful CSS classes
Stylesheet Organization (1) Divide your stylesheet into sections such as Global styles Header Page structure Text styles Navigation styles Forms Do use comments to identify sections
Stylesheet Organization (2) Don’t use inline styles except for development and testing Do use external style sheets They can be cached so pages load faster A single stylesheet can be applied to every page of a site This method separates content from presentation
Fixed vs. Fluid Layouts A fixed layout has a wrapper that’s a fixed width The inner components are expressed as a fixed width or percentages A fluid or liquid layout is expressed in percentages
Fixed Layouts Pros Cons Easier Widths are the same for every browser No need for min-width or max-width properties Cons Excessive whitespace on large screens Problematic on small screens
Fluid Layouts Pros Cons More user friendly Minimizes the extra whitespace Avoid scroll bars on smaller screen resolutions Cons Need to test on varying screen resolutions Problems with images and video
Elastic Design It combines characteristics of fixed and fluid layouts All elements are sized with em’s More flexible but harder to code FYI 1 em is 12 points So 2 ems is 24 point
Color Keep a color reference somewhere in your CSS file The color reference is typically expressed as a comment in the CSS
Some Best Practices Declare the most generic items first, and then the more specific ones This takes advantage of CSS inheritance Use intuitive naming conventions and think of future edits Avoid names like left and right as positioning might change later Use hyphens for class names and underscores for IDs
Some Best Practices Divide stylesheets into sections Do use shorthand properties instead of detailed properties for brevity and efficiency margin:5px 1px 4px 10px; Is faster than margin-top:5px; margin-right:1px; margin-bottom:4px; margin-left:10px;
Some Best Practices Don’t be repetitive and do reuse attributes
Some Best Practices Minimize the use of IDs Avoid !important unless absolutely necessary Do use resets to override default browser formatting
Existing Templates There are thousands of existing template Examples Some free. Some not Pay attention to licensing Examples http://templated.co/ http://www.free-css.com/
Other Tools and Frameworks Bootstrap CSS Fluid and fixed versions Uses a 12 column 5 Flexible across devices http://getbootstrap.com/css/ A list of frameworks http://usablica.github.io/front-end-frameworks/compare.html
Other Tools and Frameworks Less is a CSS pre-processor that extends the CSS language http://lesscss.org/ SASS is another stylesheet language http://sass-lang.com/ Normalize https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/5.0.0/normalize.css