D Flip-Flop
Lecture Overview D Flip-Flops Logic Synchronization Types of D Flip Flops Sample Flip-Flop Applications
Positive Edge Triggered D Flip-Flop CLK Q n+1 1 D Positive Edge Triggered D Q Q CLK D Q
Logic Synchronizing Data enters here at different times Example: Parallel Port Data enters here at different times Data goes out at the same time on a clock pulse
Types of D Flip-Flops D Q Q Positive Edge Triggered Negative Edge Triggered D Q Q
Types of D Flip-Flops D Q Q Positive Level Triggered D Q Q Negative Level Triggered
Asynchronous Inputs D Q Q D Flip-Flop w/ Preset D Q Q P-SET D Flip-Flop w/ Clear D Q Q CLR
Asynchronous Inputs D Flip-Flop w/ Preset & Clear D Q Q P-SET CLR
D Flip-Flop w/ Preset & Clear Q n+1 1 (preset) 0 (clear) ? (illegal) 1 CLK X D CLR P-SET D Q Q P-SET CLR
Application of D Flip-Flops Data Storage Counters & State Machine Designs Logic Synchronizing Divide By Circuits
Divide By Circuit with D Flip-Flop
Divide By Circuit - Simulation