332:437 Lecture 12 Finite State Machine Design Hardware design approach Mealy and Moore Machines Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops State Machine Analysis State Machine Synthesis Summary Material from An Engineering Approach to Digital Design, by William I. Fletcher, Prentice-Hall Inc. 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Suggested Hardware Design Approach Break circuit design into multiple functional blocks Optimize each block into a 2-level or multi-level logic form (K-map, Variable-entered map, Synopsys, etc.) Check for acceptable propagation delay in the system, and go back to Steps 1 and 2 for redesign, if necessary Use a redundant logic identification to find unnecessary logic and remove it For a 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 State Machine Design Sequential logic, circuits, or machines: Have internal memory Types: Synchronous (clocked) – memory elements controlled by an external signal – can change only at specific times Asynchronous – less frequently used but more interesting – memory elements change state whenever 1 or more inputs change – no clock 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 State Machine Design VERY IMPORTANT: Control conditions under which state changes Otherwise single input change causes many state changes, due to relative logic delays Asynchronous Logic: Faster than synchronous for small circuits Slower than synchronous for large circuits REASON: Vastly more logic is required due to absence of CLOCK 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Mealy Machines Circuit Outputs (present) Mealy Machine X Present Inputs Z Output Decoder Z = f (X, St) Next State Decoder St Next State Present State Memory Devices Or State St+1 = g (X, St) Clock 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Moore Machines Circuit Outputs (present) Z Output Decoder Present Inputs Z = f (St) X Next State Decoder St Next State Present State Memory Devices Or State St+1 = g (X, St) Clock 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Mealy Machines Nasty to design reliably and debug WHY? Real circuits have hazards: Undesirable: You expect c to be 0, and run it as input to a flip-flop which catches the short logic 1 pulse on c (called one’s catching) Flip-flop gets set, but you expected it to be cleared 0 1 a c 0 0 1 0 b a b hazard c 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Hazards Unavoidable Different signals have different propagation delays Different paths through circuit Different logic gates have different delay times – determined by: Gate type Number of inputs Mealy machines do not filter out hazards, from inputs to outputs WHY? Output decoder is a function of inputs as well as of state 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Hazards Propagating Through Output Decoder Timing diagram: Xi Zk Sjt Clock Xi Sjt Zk 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Moore Machine Output is stable: Filters out hazards in primary outputs, since they cannot propagate from inputs to outputs Rule: Never design a Mealy Machine unless you really have to Unfortunately, you often have to do it to satisfy the circuit functional specification 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
State Machine Design Process Identify State Variables S Identify Output Decoder & Next State Decoder Build State Transition Diagram Minimize States Choose appropriate type of flip-flops Choose State Assignment Assignment of binary codes to machine states Design next state decoder & output decoder – use combinational logic structured design methods – K-maps, Variable-Entered Map, Verilog 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Mealy Machine Sequence Detector Recognizing 1102 Double circle shows reset state S1 S2 S3 0/1 1/0 0/0 Present State S1 S2 S3 S1/0 S1/1 1 S2/0 S3/0 Present Input X/Z X/Z 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Moore Machine Sequence Detector Recognizing 1102 Pay for better behavior of Moore machine with extra flip-flop S1/0 S2/0 1 S4/1 S3/0 Present State S1 S2 S3 S4 1 Present Input Z Output 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Flip-Flops Cross-coupled NOR/NAND latches Clocked Master-Slave Flip-Flop (Pulse or level-triggered) Q /R /S 00 for /R & /S not allowed Q 11 for R & S not allowed R S Master latch Slave latch Q S R CP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
One’s Catching Problem Timing Diagram shows problem Master starts oscillating If too close to clock falling edge, Slave might record a 0, not a 1 CP S R Enable 1 & 2 Disable Setup Hold 5 & 6 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Sensitive only to input changes around rising clock edge (positive edge-triggered) Setup and Hold times Less likely to catch a 0 or 1 Characteristic Table: D 1 Qt 1 Qt+1 1 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop State Transition Diagram C Forces S & R to 1 Forces B to 0 A to 1 Forces R High S Low Sets FF Forces B to 1 A to 0 Forces S High R Low Resets FF 1 0 D = 0 D = 1 C 0 1 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Logic Circuit Q /S C D /R A B 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Sequential Circuit Analysis Identify inputs (X’s), outputs (Z’s), coded states (Y’s) Obtain output equations Z = F (X, Y) Obtain Flip-Flop excitation equations Di = Gi (X, Y) Construct Excitation Table from excitation equations for all possible output states Construct Next State Table from Excitation Table Merge output functions to Next State Table Form Coded State Transition Table Construct State Transition Table from Coded State Transition Table Construct State Transition Diagram 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Example – Mealy Machine CLK K2 Q2 J2 K1 Q1 J1 z 1 2 4 3 5 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Analysis z is output y1 and y2 are state variables – maximum of 4 states X = [x = 0, x = 1] Z = [z = 0, z = 1] Y = [y1y2 = 00, 01, 10, 11] Output Equations z = xy1 Flip-Flop Excitation Equations J1 = x y2 J2 = x y1 K1 = y1 + y2 K2 = x y1 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Analysis (continued) Evaluate J1, K1, J2, K2 under all possible inputs Flip-Flop Excitation Table J1K1,J2K2,z y1y2 00 01 11 10 00,01,0 11,01,0 11,10,0 01,10,0 1 10,10,0 01,11,1 11,11,1 x 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Analysis (continued) Apply JK FF Characteristic Table to Flip-Flop Excitation Table to get Next State Table y1y2 00 01 11 10 1 x 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Analysis (continued) Create Coded State Transition Table Merge in Present Output y1y2 00 01 11 10 00/0 10/0 01/0 1 11/0 00/1 01/1 x/z 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Analysis (continued) Create State Transition Table Name the states – each distinct combination of y1y2 y1y2 00 01 11 10 a/0 d/0 b/0 1 c/0 a/1 b/1 x/z State a b c d 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Analysis (concluded) Use State Transition Table to create State Transition Diagram State b – recognized 10 1’s 01 O/P high State a – recognized 0’s 11 a b c d 0/0 1/0 1/1 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
State Machine Synthesis Same steps as analysis, but in reverse Write accurate word description of the problem. “Build a machine that will produce 1 on the output z when 4+ consecutive 1’s occur on x after at least one 0 input has occurred.” Form State Transition Table State Reduction If 2 states a & b have same output sequence when started in a & b for any input sequence, they are equivalent states Outputs & next states must be same 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Synthesis (continued) Make state assignment Problems: No known general procedure gives minimal cost Make all unused states transition to idle state under all input conditions Avoids state trapping in illegal state Make Coded State Transition Table Choose Flip-Flop Type For SSI, MSI, LSI JK works best – simplifies Next State & Output decoders For VLSI and ULSI, Use D flip-flops 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Synthesis (concluded) Obtain Flip-Flop Excitation Tables Complete & Minimize Flip-Flop Excitation Equations Complete & Minimize Flip-Flop Output Equations Complete Sequential Circuit Design 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0/0 1/0 1/1 Produce 1 on z output after 4+ consecutive 1’s on input x after at least one 0 input on x Assume that x is synchronized with the clock State Diagram – Mealy Machine 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Final State Transition Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2/0 7/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/1 x 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 State Reduction # Flip-Flops = log2 (# states) States 5 & 6 are equivalent States 1 & 7 are equivalent Reduced State Transition Table State 1 2 3 4 5 2/0 1/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 5/1 x 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 State Assignment Assign binary codes to state names State 1 2 3 4 5 y1 y2 y3 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Coded State Transition Table 1 2 3 4 5 001/0 XXX/X 000/0 011/0 010/0 110/0 110/1 y1 y2 y3 x 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Flip-Flop Selection and Output Decoder Select D flip-flops Flip-Flop Excitation Table Output Karnaugh Map z = x y1 Qt 1 Qt+1 D y1x y2y3 00 01 11 10 X X X 1 X X X 0 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
K-Maps for Next State Decoder y1x y2y3 00 01 11 10 1 X X X X X X 0 D1 y1x y2y3 00 01 11 10 1 X X X X X X 0 D2 y1x y2y3 00 01 11 10 1 X X X X X X 1 D3 D1 = x y2 y3 D2 = x y3 + x y2 = x (y2 + y3) D3 = x + y2 y3 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Final Machine x y2 CLK C Q2 D2 y3 z y1 Q3 D3 Q1 D1 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Problems No way to initialize machine – comes up in randomly-chosen state in real hardware SOLUTION: Add reset line and initialize all flip-flops If machine fails during operation & goes into undefined state, no guarantee that it will ever reenter a legal state SOLUTION: Design next state decoder so that a path always exists from undefined states to legal states 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Problems (continued) Sequential Machines cannot be tested SOLUTIONS: Choose state assignment to allow testing Add test mode to guarantee initializing sequence for all states SCAN design – in test mode, all flip-flops become a giant shift register Can shift in and shift out states Partial SCAN Design – Apply Method 3 only to selected flip-flops 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Corrected State Machine Design 1 2 3 4 5 7 0/0 1/0 X/X 1/1 8 6 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Corrected State Transition Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2/0 1/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 5/1 x 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Improved Coded State Transition Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 001/0 000/0 011/0 010/0 110/0 110/1 y1 y2 y3 x 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Changed Karnaugh Maps y1x y2y3 00 01 11 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D1 y1x y2y3 00 01 11 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D2 y1x y2y3 00 01 11 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D3 y1x y2y3 00 01 11 10 00 01 11 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 z 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Changed Equations D1 = x y2 y3 D2 = x y2 y3 + x y1 y3 D3 = x y1 + y1 y2 y3 + x y2 y3 z = x y1 y2 y3 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Improved Logic Diagram x y2 CLK C Q2 D2 y1 y3 z Q3 D3 Q1 D1 reset 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Implementation Comparisons Old Implementation 1 3-input AND 3 2-input AND 2 2-input OR 1 Inverter New Implementation 1 4-input AND 4 3-input AND 1 2-input AND 1 3-input OR 2 2-input OR 1 Inverter 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12
Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12 Summary Hardware design approach Mealy and Moore Machines Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops State Machine Analysis State Machine Synthesis 9/21/2018 Bushnell: Digital Systems Design Lecture 12