In a small town, there was a small carpentry shop famous for the furniture pieces that were made there. One day the tools decided to hold an assembly meeting to resolve their differences. Once they were all gathered, the hammer, as the president, spoke.
“Dear comrades, here we are assembled. What seems to be the problems?” “You have to resign,” cried out many voices. “For what reason?” Asked the hammer.
“Besides,” another tool added, “you spend the day hitting everything.” “You make too much noise,” was heard from the back of the room, while others affirmed the statement with their gestures. “Besides,” another tool added, “you spend the day hitting everything.”
“Me!” So self-proclaimed the screw. The hammer felt sad and frustrated. “Okay, I’ll resign if that’s what you want. But who do you proposed as the new president?” “Me!” So self-proclaimed the screw. “No way!” Some tools called out. “All you do is turn around and around and it hinders us.”
“I’ll do it!” The file proposed. “Never!” Most of the tools protested. “You are too rough and cause too much friction.” “I will be the next president!” Announced the meter. “Not you. You spend the day measuring others as if only you can be accurate,” said a small tool.
They were locked in this discussion when the carpenter came in and went to work. He used each one of the tools at the precise right time. After a few hours of work, the pieces of wood that had been stacked on the floor were turned into a beautiful piece of furniture ready for shipment to a customer. The carpenter stood, beheld the furniture and smiled seeing how good it looked. He took off his apron and left wood shop.
The tools looked at each and were silent. Immediately the assembly reconvened and the pliers took the floor: “Dear Comrades, it is clear that we all have flaws, but we have just seen that our unique qualities make it possible for wonderful furniture like this one to be made.” The tools looked at each and were silent.
The pliers went on, “our qualities and not our faults are what make us valuable. The hammer is strong and that makes us bring together many pieces. The screw also binds and gives strength at places where the hammer cannot. The sandpaper smooths what is rough and polishes the surface. The meter is precise and accurate, and allows us not to make mistakes about the measures given us to. And so I could go on upholding the merits of each one of you.”
After hearing those words all the tools realized that it was only team work that really made them useful, and that they should take note of each other’s virtues in order to achieve success.
Christian young man, in like manner you are also useful to God’s work and there is ample space for your skills to be used in favor of the eternal kingdom. And whatever you do, work wholeheartedly. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3: 23-24)
God wants unity in his church God wants unity in his church. “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26-27)
The Christian young man has the energy that can be used to achieve our mission as a church.
“In order that the work may go forward in all its branches, God calls for youthful vigor, zeal, and courage. He has chosen the youth to aid in the advancement of His cause. To plan with clear mind and execute with courageous hand demands fresh, uncrippled energies. Young men and women are invited to give God the strength of their youth, that through the exercise of their powers, through keen thought and vigorous action, they may bring glory to Him and salvation to their fellow-men.” (GW 67)
“You are to be men who will walk humbly with God, who will stand before Him in your God-given manhood, free from impurity, free from all contamination from the sensuality that is corrupting this age. You must be men who will despise all falsity and wickedness, who will dare to be true and brave, holding aloft the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel.
“Your talents will increase as you use them for the Master, and they will be esteemed precious by Him who has bought them with an infinite price. Do not sit down and neglect to do anything, simply because you cannot do some great thing, but do whatever your hands find to do, with thoroughness and energy.” (MYP 24)
God wants young men who become seriously minded, to be ready for action in His noble work and to be fit to take on responsibilities.
“Our aim should not be to be the greatest “Our aim should not be to be the greatest. We are to have an eye single to the glory of God. We are to work with all the intelligence that God has given us, placing ourselves in the channel of light, that the grace of God can come upon us to mold and fashion us to the divine similitude.
“Heaven is waiting to bestow its richest blessings upon those who will consecrate themselves to do the work of God in these last days of the world’s history. We shall be tested and tried; we may be called to spend wakeful nights; but let such times be spent in earnest prayer to God, that He may give understanding, and quicken the mind to discern the privileges that are ours.” (MYP 26)
“Christ is calling for volunteers to enlist under His standard, and bear the banner of the cross before the world. The church is languishing for the help of young men who will bear a courageous testimony, who will with their ardent zeal stir up the sluggish energies of God’s people, and so increase the power of the church in the world. Young men are wanted who will resist the tide of worldliness, and lift a voice of warning against taking the first steps in immorality and vice.” (MYP 24)
“But first the young men who would serve God, and give themselves to His work, must cleanse the soul temple of all impurity, and enthrone Christ in the heart; then they will be enabled to put energy into their Christian effort, and will manifest enthusiastic zeal in persuading men to be reconciled to Christ. Will not our young men respond to the invitation of Christ, and answer, “Here am I; send me”? Young men, press to the front, and identify yourselves as laborers together with Christ, taking up the work where He left it, to carry it on to its completion.” (MYP 25)
The Christian young man, anywhere and in any circumstance, can prove that he belongs to Jesus. Dare to remain in Christ wherever you go. Have strength of character. Do not appear to be indecisive nor tallow yourself to be persuaded by friends who have evil intensions. Do not readily assent to the suggestions of those who dishonor God, but rather seeks to reform, restore and save souls from evil.
The church is languishing for lack of support from young people who are a courageous witness, who with ardent zeal stir the energies of the people of God, and thereby increase the power of influence of the church in the world. Young people are needed who resist the tide of worldliness and who raise a warning voice against the first steps of immorality and vice.
How may you contribute to your church How may you contribute to your church? Using your gifts to winning souls. You are a disciple of the Lord because young people were also called to be fishers of men. And God called you so that you may be one of them. “‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’” (Mark 1:17)
Fishermen have different methods and use different baits according to the fish they want to capture. Even so your gifts are necessary, for they are each one of the exclusive tools needed in the collective goal of winning souls.
Some testify for the Lord before thousands of people, while other disciples are required to give a personal touch. It matters not how big or small is the field that God assigned to you. The important thing is to do your part in giving the good news of salvation. “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” (Matthew 25:21)
CREDITS This study is adapted from the presentation of C.P. Neri Flores León titled: El Varón de Dios Contribuyendo con Su Iglesia (The Man of God Contributing to His Church). All Bible references are taken from the NIV (New International Version) unless otherwise indicated.