The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968. Chapter 12 Standard 25 The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968.
President Nixon wanted to develop a good relationship with China because they did not get along well with Russia The enemy of my enemy is my friend Détente policy- interact with China through discussion instead of threats Got china to agree to Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
Watergate produced distrust about the presidency. Watergate was a scandal which was an attempt to cover up a burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Nixon decided to resign on Aug 9, 1974. Watergate produced distrust about the presidency. A poll taken in 1974 showed that 43% of Americans had lost faith in the presidency. President Ford granted Nixon a full and unconditional pardon Forrest Gump- Watergate Scene
Civil Liberties and Civil Rights School busing to force neighborhoods in integrate Fair? Legal?
Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Roe v. Wade-1973-the right of women to choose whether to have an abortion. Intended to equalize the burden of childbearing for women and men Pro life- anti abortion Pro choice- abortion rights
Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Affirmative Action- increase minority representation in schools, workplaces, and social settings Regents of University of California v Bakke-1978-ruled race can be used when considering applicants to colleges. Is it still needed today? Is it reverse discrimination?
Assignment - Take a Stand! Create a political poster on colored paper taking a stand on one of the following topics Should busing be used to force integration of races? Should affirmative action be used in college acceptance? Should abortion be legal in all situations? Requirements- Create a drawing or cartoon to illustrate your opinion Have a title stating your opinion On the back explain your opinion in 5 sentences
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency First and only president from Georgia Won the election because he was “a Washington outsider” Not a part of the corruption Still blamed for many economic troubles
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency Carter devoted much attention to the Middle East. For centuries, Arabs and Jews have fought over the region of Palestine. Egypt and Israel sign the Camp David Accords on Sept. 17, 1978-this treaty called for peace between the two nations.
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency 1979-Iranian Revolution caused major problems for Carter. He allowed the ex- Shah of Iran to enter the country for medical treatment. Iranian hostage crisis-angry Iranians stormed the U.S. embassy and took hostages. They wanted the Shah released to them so they could kill him, but Carter would not. Military rescue attempt failed Finally released after Shah died
Ronald Regan’s Presidency Believed in a smaller government- let people fix their problems Introduced a new economic plan nicknamed “Reganomics” Tax cuts for rich and businesses to “trickle down” to regular citizens Spend lots of money on the “arms race” to build up a large military Forced USSR to compete and spend too much money- their economy fails
Cold war ends- protests took place in many USSR nations due to a poor economy Tearing down of the Berlin Wall USSR breaks apart- most nations switch to democracy
Iran Contra Scandal Nicaragua was fighting against communist rebels wanting to take over Congress would not all money to be sent to help fight communist in Nicaragua Reagan secretly sold weapons to Iran and get money to send to Nicaragua Reagan got caught but never proved to be involved- claimed he did not know
George H.W. Bush’s Presidency Got U.S. Involved in the Persian Gulf War Saddam Hussein (Iraq) invaded Kuwait US won and it made Bush very popular
Bill Clinton’s Presidency US signed NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Free trade between Canada, US, and Mexico Was put on trial for Impeachment for lying under oath Clinton charged with sexual harassment by a former co-worker During the trial he was asked about his relationship with Whitehouse intern Monica Lewinsky- lied to cover it up Not kicked out of office
George W. Bush’s Presidency Election of 2000- closest in history between Bush and Gore Not sure who won Florida? Sept 11, 2001- largest terrorist attack in US history Al Qaeda- organization formed by Osama Bin Laden to repay US for Israel being taken away from Muslims
Response to Sept. 11th War on Terror- tracking down and fighting terrorism around the world Dept of Homeland Security Changed airplane security Policy have more rights to spy on the public
War on Terror Operation Enduring Freedom- Afghanistan search for Al Qaeda (taliban) members War in Iraq- remove Saddam Hussein from power He was giving “weapons of mass destruction” to terrorists