Modern Era Review
What Was the Cold War? The Cold War was a state of tension between the United States and Soviet Union 1945-1989 Fear of the spread of communism (system of government in which the party controls all aspects of life) US Foreign Policy Goal: Containment of communism Reds (communists)
Causes of the Cold War End of World War II Atomic bomb Two world super powers (USA vs USSR) struggle for power in Europe Rival alliances formed in Europe Warsaw Pact (1955) NATO Expansionism – countries wanted to increase their size and power
Examples of Containment Truman Doctrine (1947) Authorized congress to give millions to Greece and Turkey to contain the spread of communism Marshall Plan Authorized congress to give $12 billion in aid to Western European Nations to contain the spread of communism
Cold War Events Berlin Airlift Berlin Wall is Built (1961) 1949 Soviets blockade access to Berlin, Germany Allies air lift food, fuel and supplies to the residents of West Berlin for a year Berlin Wall is Built (1961) Wall built by Soviets divides residents of East and West Berlin until 1989. Physical divide between democracy and communism
Cold War Events – Hot Wars Korean War 1950-1953 North – communist forces supported by the Soviet Union South – democratic forces supported by USA and United Nations Divided at the 38th parallel – still divided today
Cold War Events – Hot Wars Vietnam War 1965-1973 North – communist forces supported by the Chinese, Vietcong utilized guerilla tactics South – democratic forces supported by USA Many anti-war protests The war was costly, unclear motive, not our fight, the lottery draft system was protested Domino Theory – the belief that if Vietnam fell to communism, other countries would Korea and Vietnam were similar in that both were efforts to contain communism
Cold War Events Cuban Missile Crisis October 1963 – thirteen days Closest the world came to Nuclear War Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles on Cuba pointed at the United States Backyard bomb shelters Nuclear fall out (duck and cover) drills JFK negotiated with a blockade to force Soviet ships to turn back and remove missiles No U.S. President was able to push Fidel Castro from power in Cuba
Post World War II Economy Capitalism Economic system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are privately owned and operated for profit Interstate Highway System Supported the growth of American Industry (1950s) Led to the rise of suburban areas G.I. Bill of Rights Helped WWII veterans set up farms and businesses
Post World War II Economy Economic Shifts/Trends Jobs have shifted from manufacturing to service industries since the 1960s The end of the 20th century More products manufactured in foreign countries (unfavorable balance of trade – more imports than exports)
End of the Cold War Détente Cold War Ends The easing of tensions between super powers (peace) Cold War Ends Breakup of the Soviet Union Self-determination – former Soviet nations become independent (governments determining their own free will) United Nations emerges as strong world peace keeping organization (formed after WWII) Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)
Watergate Scandal President Richard Nixon Covered up a burglary Denied involvement Was eventually found to have covered up the crime Led to Nixon’s resignation because he knowingly approved illegal acts Was the first President to resign from office Would have been impeached
Post World War II Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson Signed the 1965 Civil Rights Law Great Society Programs – helped the poor, elderly and the needy in 1960s America Persian Gulf War (1991) George H. W. Bush (commander in chief) Iraq invaded Kuwait US defends Kuwait and supply of middle eastern oil
Post World War II Presidents Election of 2000 “finally a winner” George W. Bush defeats Al Gore Controversial ballots from Florida USA Patriot Act 9-11-01 Terrorist Attacks led to USA Patriot Act Gave the government greater powers to hunt for terrorists