Everything but Vietnam Nixon Everything but Vietnam
First Administration 1969 Nixon announces his plan of : Vietnamization Safeguard: an antiballistic missile program meant to protect certain fleets of the American military. Eventually it’s expanded to protect all of America. Apollo 11: Space mission that lands on the moon.
First Administration 1970 Kent State Massacre: 4 student protestors are killed by the National Guard due to their protests over Vietnam. A similar incident at Jackson State leaves 2 dead and 12 wounded. 26th Amendment: changes the voting age from 21 to 18.
First Administration 1971 Deficit Spending: to combat the growing recession, Nixon increased the national budget Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools: determined that the busing of students away from neighborhood schools was legal in order to force integration
First Administration 1972 Visit to China Nixon goes for 7 days Resumes trade for the first time since Korean War Example of détente Ping-pong diplomacy: Nixon sent a group of Americans to participate in China’s ping pong tournament in order to improve our relationship
First Administration 1972: Travels to the U.S.S.R. Revenue Sharing Program: in another effort to combat the recession, Nixon offers state federal tax money in order to help their budget shortfalls SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty- a demilitarization treaty between the U.S.S.R. and the United States Nixon runs for re-election and wins easily Slogan/Platform: Law and Order Ironic because both Nixon and his Vice President, Spiro Agnew, end up accused of crimes
Second Administration 1973 Pulls out of Vietnam Nixon ends the Selective Service Act (the draft- which had been running constantly since World War I) Stagflation: government program of freezing wages and prices on certain products Oil Embargo: OPEC restricts U.S. access to oil. Spiro Agnew: Nixon’s Vice President who ends up being accused of bribery. He is forced to resign and Nixon appoints Gerald Ford his new Vice President.
Second Administration 1973 Watergate Scandal What is it? Burglars were found in the Democratic National Headquarters attempting to wire tap the phones and steal government records. Cover-up: Due to “Deep Throat,” investigations by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward continued which eventually led to the implication of Nixon’s involvement due to the revealing of Oval Office Tapes U.S. v. Nixon: Nixon is ordered to turn over unedited copies of his Oval Office tapes Resignation: Nixon resigns on August 9th, 1974. He becomes the first president to leave the office during his term while still alive.