Ronald Reagan, US president 1981 - 1989
Alphabet Agencies – formed part of Roosevelt’s New Deal aimed at Relief, Recovery, Reform
Elvis Presley – rock and roll legend successful in 50s, 60s & 70s Elvis Presley – rock and roll legend successful in 50s, 60s & 70s. Still hugely popular today.
Internet – changed the world, never mind the US
Watergate Scandal – saw President Nixon resign
F 4 Affluence for all
Suburbia – growth of residential areas in America as middle class Americans moved from the cities to the suburbs.
New Frontier - Kennedy’s attempt to reduce poverty in America.
McCarthyism – Senator Joe McCarthy whipped up a storm when a announced he had the list of known communists. He did not have a list at all.
Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society – again initiative aimed at improving the lives of the most poor in US society.
Fireside Chats – Roosevelt would speak to the nation and try and reassure the people that his New Deal would help get America out of the Depression.
Hoovervilles – name given to the shanty towns built by homeless people after the Wall Street Crash.
ISM Rugged Individualism – US President Hoover believed he should let Americans help themselves, even through the bad times. It was not popular.
Wall Street Crash – end of the 20s ‘BOOM’ period when all the economy failed and led to the Depression