The future perfect Elzéard Bouffier aura planté des hectares et des hectares d’arbres avant sa mort en 1947. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect Use the future perfect (le futur antérieur) tense to describe an action that will have occurred before another action in the future. Quand il arrivera, Martine sera déjà partie. By the time he arrives, Martine will have already left. Je prendrai une décision quand vous m’aurez donné plus d’informations. I’ll make a decision when you have given me more information. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect Verbs in the future perfect are formed with a futur simple form of avoir or être and the past participle of the main verb. Use the same helping verb as for other compound tenses, such as the passé composé and the plus-que-parfait. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect faire partir se lever je/j’ tu il/elle nous vous ils/elles aurai fait auras fait aura fait aurons fait aurez fait auront fait serai parti(e) seras parti(e) sera parti(e) serons parti(e)s serez parti(e)(s) seront parti(e)s me serai levé(e) te seras levé(e) se sera levé(e) nous serons levé(e)s vous serez levé(e)(s) se seront levé(e)s © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect Verbs in the future perfect follow the same patterns as they do in other compound tenses for negation, adverb and pronoun placement, and past participle agreement. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect Negation Cette espèce n’aura pas entièrement disparu en 2040, j’espère. This species won’t have completely disappeared by 2040, I hope. Adverb placement Il aura déjà passé deux jours à Papeete quand il viendra nous chercher à l’aéroport. He will have already spent two days in Papeete when he comes to pick us up at the airport. Pronoun placement Nous lui aurons déjà parlé quand nous arriverons en classe demain. We will have already talked to her when we get to class tomorrow. Past participle agreement À minuit, elles se seront déjà couchées. By midnight, they will have already gone to bed. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect You may contrast two clauses —one with a verb in the future perfect and one with a verb in the futur simple— in order to establish that one event will happen before another. First event Second event Quand tu auras fait tes courses, When you’ve run your errands, je viendrai te chercher en voiture. I’ll come pick you up in the car. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
ATTENTION! The future perfect In the main clause, an imperative can appear in the place of a verb in the futur simple. Quand tu auras fait les courses, téléphone-moi. When you’ve run your errands, call me. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect Dès qu’elle sera arrivée à Paris, As soon as she has arrived in Paris, elle s’installera à son hôtel. she’ll settle in at her hotel. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect You learned that you can use the futur simple after the conjunctions aussitôt que (as soon as), dès que (as soon as), lorsque (when), quand (when), and tant que (as long as), if they describe a future event. They can also be followed by a verb in the future perfect, which is the tense almost always used after après que (after) and une fois que (once). © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect Il partira après qu’on aura mangé. He’ll leave after we’ve eaten. Aussitôt qu’elle aura trouvé un nouvel appartement, elle nous invitera. As soon as she’s found a new apartment, she’ll invite us over. Tu m’appelleras dès que tu seras rentré? Will you call me as soon as you’ve returned? Vous visiterez le zoo une fois qu’on aura ouvert l’exposition sur les ours. You’ll visit the zoo once they’ve opened the bear exhibit. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect When connecting two clauses, note the subtle distinction in meaning between a sentence that uses the futur simple after one of these conjunctions and one that uses the future perfect. In neither case are the English equivalents of these conjunctions followed by will. Quand j’aurai des nouvelles, je vous écrirai. When I get some news,I’ll write you. but Quand j’aurai eu des nouvelles, je vous écrirai. When I’ve gotten some news, I’ll write you. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The future perfect Use après que with a conjugated verb when the subject of a subordinate clause is different from that of the main clause. Use après with the past infinitive when the subjects of both clauses are the same. Different subjects Same subjects Mémé viendra nous rendre visite après qu’on aura fait le ménage. Grandma will come visit us after we’ve done the housework. Nous sortirons, mais seulement après avoir fait le ménage. We’ll go out, but only after having done the housework. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.