chapter 11-5 non progressive passive Name: Shayma Alsagheer ID:200905140
Out line the progressive passive Example Exercise Chapter 11-6 What is a Preposition?
the progressive passive “ is periphrastic. Periphrasis refers to a "phrase of two or more words that perform a single grammatical function that would otherwise be expressed by the inflection of a single word.”
Example The door is old The door is green The door is locked When the passive form is used to describe an existing situation as in(c) it is called the “non progressive passive” . In (a) and (b):old and green are adjectives. They describe the door. In (c) locked is a past participle. It is used as an adjective. It describes the door
2-Excuse me, sir. Could you give me some direction? I (lose)……. Exercise Complete with non-progressive passive 1-Shama is wearing a blouse. It (make)………of cotton. Is made 2-Excuse me, sir. Could you give me some direction? I (lose)……. Am lost
Chapter 11-6 Common non-progressive passive verbs + preposition
What is a Preposition? A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The most common prepositions are "about," "above," "across," "after," "against," "along," "among," "around," "at," "before," "behind," "below," "beneath," "beside," "between," "beyond," "but," "by," "despite," "down," "during," "except," "for," "from," "in," "inside," "into," "like," "near," "of," "off," "on," "onto," "out," "outside," "over," "past," "since," "through," "throughout," "till," "to," "toward," "under," "underneath," "until," "up," "upon," "with," "within," and "without."
Be concerned Be excited Be worried about Be known Be prepared Be qualified Be remembered for
Be composed Be made Be tired of Be annoyed Be bored Be covered With/by
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