Secondary Mathematics Leadership Meeting March 27, 2014
AGENDA Welcome updates Data Trend Book Study Evaluations, survey & Closure
Updates – Middle school STAAR Testing “Overlap” content Grade 8 Graphing calculators Textbook Adoption Summer School Training
Updates – high school Curriculum Writing New Teks Transition “Overlap” Content Textbook Adoption PowerUp AP Initiative/College & Career Readiness
TRANSITION TIMELINE to the New High School TEKS 2014 – 2015 Write: New Curriculum Teach: Current TEKS + Transition Content Test: 2015 – 2016 Teach: New TEKS Test: Overlap Content 2016 – 2017 Teach: New TEKS Test: 5
Power Cheer Tick, Tock, It’s Time To Rock. Rock To The Power Of 1:1, so Kick Out The Excuses, And Kick Out The Fear, Cuz It’s Coming To More Campuses Next Year!
What does 1:1 do for you? #1 Personalize Learning #2 Improve Classroom Management #3 Increase Engagement #4 Increase Differentiation
What does 1:1 do for you? #5 Improve Efficiency of Planning #6 Increase Learning Experiences #7 Increase Modalities of Presentation #8 Increase Resources
What does 1:1 do for you? #9 Increase Technology Skills #10 Increase Opportunities for Response #11 Present Prerequisite Instruction #12 Increase Presence of Universal Design for Learning
In 2014-2015, all curriculum planning guides will contain PowerUp connections.
Remember, it does not matter how many computers you have in your classroom, you can still access the resources! So…. Let’s Get Excited!
Houston ISD Pilot Program Schools- 2014 DISTRICT SCHOOL SUBJECTS 1 Davis Calc 36, Env Sci 25, Lit 77, Stats 29 Reagan Calc 44, Env Sci 33, Lit 130 2 Washington Calc 17, Chem 25, Lit 31 3 Chavez Calc 28, Lit 120 4 Debakey Env Sci 48 5 Challenge Early Bio 16, Calc 18 6 Westside Calc 43, Env Sci112, Lit 132 7 Lee Bio 19 8 Law Lit 82, Stats 18 9 Carnegie Chem 43, Env Sci 49, Stats 90
Saturday Student Study Sessions (SSS) Student Study Sessions will be held at Carnegie Vanguard High School for the AP courses selected in the 10 pilot schools in Biology, Calculus AB, Chemistry, English Lit, Environmental Science, and Statistics. SSS are held on Saturdays prior to AP Exams March 29 – All Science and English April 5 – Math and Biology April 12 – Chemistry, APES, and English (no Biology) April 26 – Math May 3 – Math, Science, and English May 10 – Biology only Student Transportation – Schools provide buses from home campus to Carnegie Vanguard HS.
Saturday Student Study Sessions (SSS) The hours are 9 am to 3 pm Designated Administrators or Site Coordinators for each campus sending students are expected to attend and should arrive no later than 8am at Carnegie Vanguard HS to help with all logistics. There are four 75-minute topic sessions offered at each Saturday Student Study Session. NMSI provides the materials and secures the experienced AP presenters. The AP teacher/s are expected to attend all sessions in their discipline.
Saturday Student Study Sessions (SSS) NMSI directs: Provides the presentation material, logistical planning, and organization for the day (matrix of topics that will be covered) Secure presenters and manages their fees and travel Provides Food (Pizza and bottled water) for the students Raffle Prize(s) to encourage students to attend Printing and shipping of NMSI student materials
Data Trend Analysis Group according to grade level or course On the table are: Data Trends, Effective Practices Reference, and Instructional Strategies Organizer Choose two student expectations Choose two Effective Practices or suggested activities from the Data Trend Report Describe in writing what the intervention may look like in your class
Data Trend Analysis Example Effective Practices Literacy Strategies ALGI.6B Student Generated Questions Summary Frame
Data Trend Analysis On chart paper, use either a non-linguistic representation or another creative method to describe your plan for intervention. Just as with student presentations in a gallery walk, your representation should speak for itself!
Book Study “Message 25: Pushing Algebra Down” pp. 130 – 135
EVALUATION & CLOSURE Parking Lot Survey Evaluation