Unification of Germany Timeline of Events
1807-1812 Napoleon organizes the French controlled Rhine Confederation Inspires sense of nationalism among the German states
1830s An economic union called the Zollverein is created by the Prussians This unifies Germany economically, but not politically
1848 Frankfurt Assembly offers throne to Frederick William of Prussia He rejects the throne because it came from the people not the princes Early attempt at unification
1862 Otto von Bismarck is made chancellor (like a prime minister) of Prussia Develops method of Realpolitik and “blood and iron” Sets out to unify Germans for Prussia
1864 War with Denmark– Germany gets Schleswig and Holstein Holstein is administered by Austria, Bismarck wants it for Prussia
1866 Austro-Prussian War (war with Austria) Prussians get Holstein
1870 Franco-Prussian War Prussians get Alsace and Lorraine from France French are humiliated
January, 1871 William I takes title of Kaiser Birth of the 2nd Reich, or German empire Bismarck is chancellor
Italian and German Unification Flow Chart
Napoleon led to The rise of nationalism
Austria, France, and the Popes Have control over some Italian land
Count Cavour
Got control of Northern Italy
Garibaldi Got control of SOUTHERN Italy
Italy is Unified!
Papal States (Rome) joins Italy
One of the biggest German states Prussia One of the biggest German states
Bismarck = Prime Minister
Believes in Realpolitik
Country can do Whatever it takes to get what it needs
Fights Denmark Austria France
Germany is unified!