Drought Impact Reporter Kelly Helm Smith Communication Specialist National Drought Mitigation Center
7,029 Impacts as of 10-18-07
Media Reports Received in 2007
Compare Impacts with Physical Drought
Searchable by location, date(s) and impact category Archive of drought’s impacts From media From farmers, ranchers, government, general public, organizations Real-time since July 2005, some older archived material
When you click on Wyoming …
When you click on Laramie County …
How Do People Use the Drought Impact Reporter? As a plea for help! “Ground-truthing” physical indicators Policymaking
Plea for help from Wyoming
“Jack the Toad” July 4, 2006 August 1, 2006
“Add an Impact”
Impacts vs. Indicators Indicator: Regular people can walk across the Platte River (“low streamflow”) Impact: Fish & waterfowl lose habitat, species populations reduced
Impacts vs. Reports Impact: Quantifiable, objectively verifiable, observable Report: May express observations in subjective terms, showing high awareness – an early indicator!
Planned Feature: “Grabby Tools”
Planned Feature: Boundaries
Impact Categories Current Planned
Ways to Compare Impacts Count Impacts Count Categories Impacts per square mile Impacts per capita Impacts over density (population per square mile)
Drought in 2006
Impacts per Square Mile, 2006
Impacts per Person per Sq Mi 06
Drought in 2007
Impacts per Square Mile, 2007
Impacts per Person per Sq Mi 07
Add an Impact – New & Improved!
New Add an Impact, continued
Questions? Robert Grace, 29 May 2004