The Unification of Germany and Italy
Following the failure of the Revolutions of 1848 in Italy and Germany, statesmen like Count Cavour in Italy and Otto von Bismarck in Germany managed to unify their nations through skilled diplomacy and the use of force.
Italy (1859- 1860) Italy was broken down into many different states. At the beginning, Austria had control of several places in Italy. The region around Rome and lands to the east called the Papal States were under the control of the papacy. The southern part of Italy, the Kingdom of Piedmont- Sardinia was independent. (Buffer- zone)
Giuseppe Mazzini of Genoa (1805-1872) Mazzini started an organization that had the political agenda of driving foreign powers out of Italy. He was exiled to England but was successful in founding the first modern political party in Italy Called Young Italy
Victor Emmanuel II Became king of Piedmont- Sardinia and appointed Count Camillio de Cavour as his Prime Minister. Cavour sought the help of France to defeat Austria in Northern Italy. Now almost all of Northern Italy is unified.
Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807- 1882) Created a small army called the Red Shirts and led them south. They captured the main city Palermo and placed it under Victor Emmanuel II. After this city fell most of the southern Italy fell besides the Papal States. The pope was completely against unification because he did not want to lose control of the Papal States. Napoleon of France was the Pope’s protector.
Eventually Napoleon was captured and France was defeated. Pope Pius IX knew he didn’t have a chance without France’s support. In 1870 Italy allowed the Papacy to have the Vatican City, a small section within Rome. The city itself was made into the capital of Italy
The Unification of Germany
Just like Italy, Germany was broken down into many small states Just like Italy, Germany was broken down into many small states. 39 states Chief rivals for the leadership of Germany were the two largest German states- Prussia and Austria. Austria- contained many non- German lands and people. The leaders of Austria did not want Germany to Unify since Austria Could not bring its non- German territories onto Germany. (NATIONALISM)
Prussia Had mainly a German population Nationalism actually unifies Prussia Prussia industrialized more quickly than other German states.
The Zollverein A union Created a small degree of unity. It was established among many northern German states that went beyond the language and cultural linkage already shared. It included Prussia as the leading participant but not as an official leader
Otto Von Bismarck Prussian Chancellor Followed the policy of “blood and iron” to unite Germany. He achieved unification through Prussia’s economic and military power. Prussia had industrialized faster than Austria and France. Prussian military leaders made use of new technologies such as railroad and the rifle, to build the most powerful army in Europe.
Finally United in 1871 After a series of successful wars against Denmark, Austria, and France, Germany was finally united in 1871. The King of Prussia became Kaiser (emperor) of Germany