Ch 26 Review World History World War I
Total war- using all of a country’s resources to fight a war Total war- using all of a country’s resources to fight a war. Rationing for civilians. Neutrality- not taking sides. Militarism- the glorification of the military. Zeppelins- blimps that the Germans used to drop bombs.
Propaganda- the spreading of ideas to promote a cause.
Reparations- the payment of war damages. Proletariat- working class people (also farmers).
Bolsheviks- the Communist/Socialist party of Russia. Woodrow Wilson- US president during WWI.
Vladimir Lenin- Leader of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia (Soviet Union).
Rasputin- Spiritual adviser to the Tsarina. His influence on her created resentment.
Nicholas II- (Romanov) Last Tsar of Russia
Bismarck/Kaiser William II- Leaders of Germany during WWI.
What countries made up the Central Powers What countries made up the Central Powers? Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire What countries made up the Triple Entente/Allies? Britain, France, Russia (and later the US). What event drew Britain into the war? The German invasion of Belgium.
What was the Schlieffen Plan? The plan to knock out France quickly then deal with Russia.
Why did it fail? The German army stalled in France and Russia mobilized faster than expected. Why did a stalemate develop along the western front? With trench warfare it was difficult to gain advantage. Why was the Ottoman Empire considered a valuable ally to the Central Powers? Because they could block access to southern Russian seaports.
What was the Zimmerman note What was the Zimmerman note? A telegram from Germany to Mexico promising the return of lands lost to the US in exchange for help against the US in the war. Why did Britain have the world’s best navy at the time? Because they had a vast overseas empire to protect.
Why did Russia enter the war Why did Russia enter the war? They wanted to protect their Slavic ally Serbia. How did the allies defend their merchant ships against German submarines? Convoys of destroyers. Later they developed depth charges. How did the British blockade of Germany vioate international law? It blocked all resupply of Germany, including food.
Why did the Allies welcome the overthrow of the Russian Tzar at first Why did the Allies welcome the overthrow of the Russian Tzar at first? Because they hoped Russia would become a democracy. Why did many Irish-Americans oppose the US entering the war on the side of the British? Because the Irish still resented the British. Which European nation wanted to punish Germany the most? France.
Root causes for US entry into the war; The Zimmerman note and unrestricted sub warfare that killed Americans. Why did Russia pull out of the war? Because of revolution at home. What two countries were established as a result of the Treaty of Versailles? Poland, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Yugoslavia.
This organization was established to help mediate disputes between nations and avoid war? League of Nations. Why did it fail? The US wouldn’t join and there was no way to enforce resolutions. When exactly did the war end? Nov 11, 1918 at 11 AM (known as Armistice Day, in the US it’s known as Veterans Day). WWI 1914-1918 (for the US 1917-1918).