Bureau of Indian Education School Board Training Administrative Cost Grants (Tribal Grant Support Costs) Hello and welcome. The training you are about to receive covers Administrative Cost Grants, also known as Tribal Grant Support Costs. 2016-2017
Agenda Introduction Definition Features Uses Limitations Case Study Questions and Discussion This presentation will cover the following: After a brief introduction and definition, we will discuss the grant application process and amount calculation, how funds can be used, how funds can not be used and applicable limitations. We’ll then review a case study and open the floor for questions and further discussion.
Administrative Cost Grants: What are they? How can they be used? Introduction Administrative Cost Grants: What are they? How can they be used? Administrative Cost Grants. What are they, and for what can the grant funds be used? Source: http://www.bie.edu/cs/groups/xbie/documents/document/idc1-030425.pdf https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/25/2008
Definition They pay for necessary administrative costs which— The tribe or tribal organization incurs as a result of operating a tribal elementary or secondary educational program; Are not customarily paid by comparable Bureau-operated programs out of direct program funds; and Are either— Normally provided by Federal officials for comparable Bureau programs using resources other than Bureau direct program funds; or Are otherwise required of Tribal Self Determination Program Operators by law or prudent management practices. Administrative cost grants, also known as Tribal Grant Support Costs, are just one of several school funding sources. These grants are specifically awarded to cover administrative costs. Administrative cost means the cost of necessary administrative functions which – The tribe or tribal organization incurs as a result of operating a tribal elementary or secondary educational program; Are not customarily paid by comparable Bureau operated programs out of direct program funds; and Are either— Normally provided for comparable Bureau programs by Federal officials using resources other than Bureau direct program funds; or Are otherwise required of tribal self determination program operators by law or prudent management practice.
Features No Separate Application Required. Does Not Impact Other Appropriations. Subject to Availability. Amount Based on Administrative Cost Percentage Rate and Bureau Elementary and Secondary functions. Additional Allocation Calculated by the BIE and Added to the Underlying Award. Can Be Reduced or Recalled. Amount Should not be Greater than $200,000. According to the applicable Code of Federal Regulation (2 CFR Part 200), no separate application is required for an administrative cost grant. Amounts appropriated to fund the grant is in addition to, and will not reduce, the amounts appropriated for the program being administered by the contract or grant school. Subject to the availability of funds, the Secretary provides grants to each tribe or tribal organization operating a contract school or grant school. For each fiscal year, the amount of the grant provided to each tribe or tribal organization is determined by applying the administrative cost percentage rate of the tribe or tribal organization to the aggregate of the Bureau elementary and secondary functions operated by the tribe or tribal organization for which funds are received from or through the Bureau. Bureau elementary and secondary functions means All functions funded at Bureau schools by the Office All programs administered for the benefit of Indians through Bureau schools, for which funds are appropriated to other agencies of the Federal Government All operation, maintenance, and repair funds for facilities and Government quarters used in the operation or support of elementary and secondary education functions for the benefit of Indians, from whatever source derived. Under certain circumstances, the amount can be reduced. The Secretary can also take actions so as to be reimbursed by any other department or agency of the Federal Government for the portion of grants made under this section for the costs of administering any program for Indians that is funded by appropriations made to such other department or agency. But no school operated as a stand-alone institution shall receive less than $200,000 per year.
Uses Funds may be used for: Program Services Related to Administrative Overhead. Operations Necessary to Meet Requirements of the Law. Prudent Management Practices. Other Necessary Support Functions. Funds may be used for: Program Services Related to Administrative Overhead Operations Necessary to Meet Requirements of the Law Prudent Management Practices Other Necessary Support Functions
Inclusions Administrative Costs May Include: Contract, Grant, or Agreement Administration. Executive, Policy, and Corporate Leadership Decision Making. Program Planning, Development, and Management. Fiscal, Personnel, Property, and Procurement Management. Related Office Services and Record Keeping. Costs of Necessary Insurance, Auditing, Legal, Safety and Security Services. Administrative Costs May Include: Contract, Grant, or Agreement Administration Executive, Policy, and Corporate Leadership Decision Making Program Planning, Development and Management Fiscal, Personnel, Property, and Procurement Management Related Office Services and Record Keeping Costs of Necessary Insurance, Auditing, Legal, Safety and Security Services
Limitations Funds may NOT be used for: Costs Directly Related to Classroom Instruction. Costs Related to Professional Development or Training of Teachers. Inappropriate Expenditures. Funds may NOT be used for: Costs Directly Related to Classroom Instruction Costs Related to Professional Development or Training of Teachers Inappropriate Expenditures
Questions and Discussion What are examples of items that can be covered by Administrative Cost Grants? What purposes are not permitted to be paid from Administrative Cost Grants? We will now open the floor for questions and engage in a group discussion on this topic. To begin, lets’ answer the following: What are examples of items that can be covered by Administrative Cost Grant? What might someone expend funds for that are not part of Administrative Cost Grant?
Case Study One school with spacious meeting rooms paid $61,719.68 for a board work session at a casino resort. The cost, charged to the Administrative Cost Grant Fund, included a $1,393 dinner for board members, administrators, and their family members. Here’s a real world scenario to consider. One school with spacious meeting rooms paid $61,719.68 for a board work session at a casino resort. The cost, charged to the Administrative Cost Grant Fund, included a $1,393 dinner for board members, administrators, and their family members. This is an example of grant funding abuse.
Was this allowable as an Administrative Cost Grant Expense? Case Study Was this allowable as an Administrative Cost Grant Expense? Why or Why Not? Here’s a question to consider. One school with spacious meeting rooms paid $61,719.68 for a board work session at a casino resort. The cost, charged to the Administrative Cost Grant Fund, included a $1,393 dinner for board members, administrators, and their family members. This is an example of grant funding abuse.