Black and Minority Ethnic Women – Newspaper representation Looking at the number of photographic images of visibly ethnic minority women Image as….illustration of an article? Or whether the story was about the women featured in the image Main news section only Range from tabloid to broadsheet Anna
Wednesday November 11 2009 Bristol Evening Post – 31 women, 3 BME Daily Star – 52 women, 7 BME Daily Telegraph – 45 women, 7 BME Daily Mail – 36 women, 2 BME The Sun – 60 women, 6 BME The Times – 27 women, 3 BME The Guardian – 25 women, 1 BME
Disappointments The Guardian – only one BME woman featured to illustrate a story about mobile phone usage in India. Bristol Evening Post – three BME women – one story, one vox pop and one advert. Not good enough for such a diverse city. The Daily Mail – (no surprises there!) two BME women featuring only in advertisements Rihanna – the Bajan singer pushed up the averages for The Sun and Daily Star, but only because she changed her outfit five times in one night which merited pictures of each outfit.
Conclusions Stories about the achievements of BME women are largely invisible. Where they are featured, the stories tended to focus on their appearance rather than achievements.