Mr. Paul Ms. Novak Mr. Galli Ms. Miller Mrs. DeJarnette
surprised confused excited scared worried
building with Legos watching a movie surfing playing video games feeding goats
Rihanna Meghan Trainor Ellie Goulding Ariana Grande Kanye West
New Years Eve Groundhog Day St. Patrick’s Day Black Friday the 4th of July
San Francisco New Orleans Jamaica Disney World Las Vegas
police station movie theater McDonalds Best Buy campground
superhero capes life jackets prom dresses 80’s rock wigs suspenders
doing jumping jacks playing harmonicas eating ice cream rapping hopping on one foot
to win a trophy to make people jealous to get attention to make new friends to get others to join
(E – Mrs. DeJarnette) (A – surprised) (D – playing video games) (B – Meghan Trainor) (D – Black Friday) (C – Jamaica) (C – McDonalds) (E – suspenders) (B – playing harmonicas) (A – to win a trophy)