Latin American Revolutions & The Rise of Nationalism
Setting the Stage: The French ideals of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity will inspire many Latin Americans to rise up against their French, Spanish, and Portuguese masters. European Colonization, 1500s Spain, Portugal, France American Revolution, 1776 French Revolution and Enlightenment, 1789 Napoleon’s conquests within Europe, 1800s
Latin American – Social Structure Peninsularies: People born in Spain. Creoles: Spanish People born in Latin America. Mestizos: People of mixed European and Native American ancestry. Mulattos: People of mixed European and African ancestry.
Causes of Latin American Revolutions Enlightenment Ideas writings of John Locke, Voltaire, & Jean Rousseau; Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. Creoles upset at being left out of government jobs and trade concessions. Inspiration of American and French Revolutions. Spain & Portugal are busy fighting the Napoleonic Wars.
Haiti - Toussaint L’Ouverture The Island of Saint Domingue which is modern day Haiti contained a large population of African Slaves. In 1791, African slaves revolt. They revolt because there is a larger population of slaves than slave owners. Toussaint L’Ouverture – an ex-slave becomes the leader. 1804 – Haiti gains its independence. 1st black colony to gain its independence.
Slave Revolt turned Revolution
Mexico – Father Hidalgo & Agustin de Iturbide Father Hidalgo led popular revolts in Mexico but ultimately failed to gain independence. Rebels led by Agustin de Iturbide overthrew the corrupt Spanish viceroy creating an independent Mexico. Iturbide tried to become emperor but was quickly overthrown. Liberal Mexicans set up the Republic of Mexico in 1824.
Venezuela – Simon Bolivar Simon Bolivar is known as El Libertador He led a group of 7,000 Hatian and Mestizo soldiers into Veneszuela and in 1821 at Carabobo he defeated the Spanish and gained Venezuela it’s independence. 800,000 Venezuelans were killed He also helped liberate Columbia, Panama, Ecuador, and Peru. As a result, he creates Bolivia from Upper Peru and crowns himself President of Gran Columbia(the combined country made up of the places he liberated) This new country was ultimately a failure which Bolivar abandoned in 1830. (right before his death)
Gran Columbia
Argentina/Peru – Jose de San Martin Jose de San Martin was an Argentinean General who led independence movements in Argentina and Peru. His army was made up of Argentinean soldiers. He wanted to achieve freedom for all parts of L.A. He used force to defeat the Spanish in Peru and gave the liberating duty over to Simon Bolivar. He began the independence movement in Argentina which would lead to their freedom in 1816.
Results of Latin American Revolutions Many countries rid themselves of imperialistic rule. Destruction caused by independence leaves Latin America poor and disunited. The rise of nationalism spreads back to Europe.
Nationalism: Case Studies Italy and German
What is Nationalism? Nationalism is a feeling of belonging and loyalty that causes people to think of themselves as a nation.
Nationalism During the 19th and 20th centuries, nationalism was a powerful force that could: Create one nation from many separate countries (ex. Italy and Germany) Break one nation up into many countries (ex. Austria-Hungary, and Turkey)
Nationalism can be a cause of war (ex. WWI and WWII) It has encouraged colonies to seek independence from their colonizers. (ex. India, Indonesia, and countries in Africa)
Nationalism – A Force of Unity or Disunity? Throughout Europe many of the powerful empires are collapsing due to Nationalism The Austro-Hungarian Empire Breaks Up The Russian Empire Crumbles The Ottoman Empire Weakens
Cavour Unites Italy While Nationalism destroyed empires it also built nations Italy was one of the nations to form from the crumbling European empires Italy was controlled by Austria and Spain after the Congress of Vienna in 1815 Between 1815-1848 Italians were no longer happy with living under foreign rule
The Italian States Unite, 1859-1870
Two leaders would emerge Cavour Mazzini
Giuseppe Mazzini Organized a Nationalist group called Young Italy which revolted against Spain and Austria’s control He believed that Nation-states were the best hope for social justice, democracy and peace in Europe Mazzini’s rebellion failed and he was exiled
Camillo di Cavour 1852 Sardinia’s King named Camillo di Cavour prime minister Cavour was wealthy, middle-aged aristocrat He worked tirelessly to expand Piedmont-Sardinia’s power
Cavour Conquers the North Cavour knew he needed to get rid of Austria from Northern Italy He allied with France and secured victories over Austria Sardinia took over all of Northern Italy except Venetia
Cavour Conquers the South and Unifies Italy After seizing control of the North Cavour turned his attention to southern Italy Cavour helped southern Nationalist Rebels led by Giuseppe Garibaldi capture Sicily After Sicily was captured Italy was Unified
Despite Unification Italy still had many problems Rivalries between provinces especially the industrialized north and the agricultural south Disorganized parties within the Italian parliament often argued Also had economic problems
A German Nation is Forged
The Rise of Prussia Germany also achieved Unity in the mid 1800’s 1815 39 states were in the German confederation Two largest states Austro-Hungarian Empire and Prussia Dominated the Confederation
Rise of Prussia – German Unification
Wilhelm I – King of Prussia 1862 Wilhelm chooses a conservative Junker (wealthy landowning class) – Otto Von Bismarck as his prime minister
Otto von Bismarck A master of the realpolitik – the politics of reality – tough power politics no room for idealism
Blood and Iron “The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches or by majority decisions that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849 but by blood and iron”
Germany Expands Bismarck worked to expand Prussia and mold(create) an empire 1864 Bismarck forms an alliance between Prussia and Austria The alliance then went to war with many of the provinces within the German Confederation to gain control
Franco Prussian War The Franco – Prussian War was the final state in German unification Nationalist sentiments based on the victory against France lead the south to want to join the Prussians