Latin 1 Mr. zboril | Milford PEP


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Presentation transcript:

Latin 1 Mr. zboril | Milford PEP Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation Mr. zboril | Milford PEP

Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary and First Conjugation In English, a sentence is not complete without a verb. Same is true in Latin. In fact a sentence in Latin may consist of just a verb: Examples: Amo – “I love.” Nāvigābimus – “We will sail.” Cantō – “I sing.” Verbs are key in Latin. When translating Latin, look for the verb first. This will help you decipher the rest of the sentence. Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

amō, amāre, amāvī , amatum: love Latin verbs contain 4 Principal Parts It is from these principal parts that all forms of a verb are created. amō, amāre, amāvī , amatum: love amō I love 1st Person Present amāre to love Present Infinitive or simply Infinitive amāvī I loved Simple Past or just Past amatum loved Past Participle Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

Verbs are sorted into families called Conjugations There are four conjugations You can determine the conjugation by the verb’s endings – namely the Second Principal Part Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

amō, amāre, amāvī , amatum: love amō 1st Person Present Latin verbs contain 4 Principal Parts – it is from these principal parts that all forms of a verb are learned. amō, amāre, amāvī , amatum: love amō 1st Person Present amāre used for present system (to love Present Infinitive or simply Infinitive amāvī I loved Simple Past or just Past amatum loved Past Participle Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

First Conjugation Verbs Person Singular Plural 1st Person amō amāmus I love we love 2nd Person amās amātis you love you all love 3rd Person amat amant he – she – it loves they love Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation The First Principal Part was used for 1st Person singular. Where did the other five come from? The Second Principal Part! Look……

First Conjugation Verbs Person Singular Plural 1st Person amō amāmus I love we love 2nd Person amās amātis you love you all love 3rd Person amat amant he – she – it loves they love Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation amō, amāre, amāvī , amatum: love amāre subtract –re -re amā this is the stem

First Conjugation Verbs – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Person Singular Plural 1st Person amō amāmus I love we love 2nd Person amās amātis you love you all love 3rd Person amat amant he – she – it loves they love Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation 1st Person – The speaker is doing the action: I love. (sing.) We love. (pl) 2nd Person – The person spoken to is doing the action: You love. You all love.

First Conjugation Verbs – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Person Singular Plural 1st Person amō amāmus I love we love 2nd Person amās amātis you love you all love 3rd Person amat amant he – she – it loves they love Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation 3rd Person – Another person is being spoken about: He, She, It loves. (sing.) They love. (pl)

Let’s Ask a Question Person Singular Plural 1st Person do we love? 2nd Person do you love? you all love? 3rd Person does he/she/it love? they love? Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation Add ‘-ne’ to the end of the verb to turn the sentence into a question. This changes the verb from a declarative (making a statement) to interrogative (asking a question).

Let’s Ask a Question Person Singular Plural 1st Person amāmusne do we love? 2nd Person amāsne? amātisne? do you love? you all love? 3rd Person amatne? amantne? does he/she/it love? they love? Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation Wow! Isn’t this exciting? But wait…..hold onto your mensa! gets better!…..

he/she/it does not love Negative Action Person Singular Plural 1st Person I do not love We do not love 2nd Person you do not love you all do not love 3rd Person he/she/it does not love they do not love Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation How do you change a positive statement to a negative statement? Add a ‘nōn’

he/she/it does not love Negative Action Person Singular Plural 1st Person nōn amō nōn amāmus I do not love We do not love 2nd Person nōn amās nōn amātis you do not love you all do not love 3rd Person nōn amāt nōn amānt he/she/it does not love they do not love Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation You would think we’ve reached the Latin Limit to excitement and wonder….but things are about to get absolutely bonkers….

does he/she/it not love? Negative Action Person Singular Plural 1st Person nōn amāmusne? do we not love? 2nd Person nōn amāsne nōn amātisne? do you not love? do you all not love? 3rd Person nōn amātne nōn amāntne? does he/she/it not love? do they not love? are they not loving? Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation OK – that is enough excitement for one class!

Let’s Ask a Question Translate the following: What number is it? Cūius est numeri? It is singular. Singulāriter est. It is plural. Plūrāliter est. Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

I can stay afterwards for extra help Instructor Contact Information Email cell: 513-375-7552 Class Time 2pm Tues & Thurs I can stay afterwards for extra help Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

Questions? Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation