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Click Expense Reports
Click this link to create an expense report
Give Report a name Click when done Optional field
Click on drop down to select statement period to work on. Then click OK
Click on this arrow to move only select charges Click on this arrow to move only select charges. This would be used if creating multiple expense reports for one period. Click select all to move all transactions. Look for multiple pages
Click save
Click on paperclip to add transactions to existing report. Click on red x to view and change budget number.
You have a default budget number Click search to add more numbers to your favorites Please add an expense description with detail.
Enter number in “Code Value” box or description in “Description” box and click search This has already been added to my favorites
Up arrow to code to the transaction Over arrow to add to favorites.
Once you have verified all budget numbers, added description and receipts you are done with your report so click “Print Expense Report”
Once you have printed your paper expense report please sign, attach receipts and give to your appropriate approver for signature. Expense reports need to be completed and approved no later than the 5th business day after the close of the cycle.