Pd 1 –show videos
Drill-pd 4 2/23/16 Describe the difference between diploid and haploid. What is the purpose of crossing over?
Describe the difference between diploid and haploid Describe the difference between diploid and haploid. Cells with two sets of chromosomes are diploid (2n) and one set are haploid.(n). What is the purpose of crossing over? Permits the exchange of genetic material between mom and dad chromosomes.
Objective SWBAT Define and give examples of terms related to the topic of Genetics.
Agenda Genetics Vocabulary Challenge Videos Work on HW
Genetics Vocabulary
GENETICS http://www.umm.edu/graphics/images/en/9882.jpg http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/WhoAmI/FindOutMore/Yourgenes/Whydoscientistsstudygenes/WhatisDNAsequencing/~/media/WhoAmI/FindOutMore/M/Moleculargeneticistsettingupanexperiment1-3-4-5-5-0-0-0-0-0-0.jpg
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… The study of how traits are passed from parents to offspring Gregor Mendel -pioneer in genetics -crossed peas to show how traits were passed on Genetics
HEREDITY http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/rma/lowres/rman6247l.jpg http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://genome.crg.es/courses/laCaixa05/GenesAndDisease/heredity.gif&imgrefurl=http://genome.crg.es/courses/laCaixa05/GenesAndDisease/index.html&usg=__wafCYz94IE5K_IkAP9b_h-XdGHc=&h=430&w=500&sz=64&hl=en&start=0&sig2=HGNMtrPD_hNruEwKzKvD8g&zoom=1&tbnid=4krIJMMPCCTgRM:&tbnh=166&tbnw=193&ei=E1VZTfLmDoSdlgffxMDMBw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dheredity%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1126%26bih%3D636%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=303&vpy=86&dur=624&hovh=208&hovw=242&tx=145&ty=107&oei=bFNZTb6eKoW0lQfxr5XsBg&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… The transmission of traits from parents to their offspring Important for appearance and study of genetic diseases Heredity
TRAIT http://naturalsciences.sdsu.edu/classes/lab2.4/trait.jpg
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… A category within which alternate characteristics can be observed Examples of traits: hair color, eye color, height Trait
GENE http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/VL/GG/images/genes.gif
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… A segment of DNA that codes for a protein – a unit of hereditary information Found on chromosomes within the nucleus Gene
ALLELES http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd/361-6-Ch1_files/allele.jpg
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… An alternate form of a gene (trait) Ex: Everyone has an eye color, but there are different types: blue, brown, etc. Alleles
DOMINANT vs. RECESSIVE http://www.prouxchihuahuas.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/coatgenetics1.jpg
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… An allele that masks the presence of another allele for the same trait -Shown with a capital letter (ex: A, T, G). -Will always be seen if present. Dominant
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… An allele that is masked by the presence of another allele for the same trait -Shown with a lower case letter (ex: a, t, g). -Will only be seen if both alleles for a trait are recessive. Recessive
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… Referring to a gene pair in which the two alleles code for the same trait Written as: AA or aa Homozygous
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… Referring to a gene pair in which the two alleles do not code for the same trait Written as: Aa Heterozygous
LAW OF SEGREGATION http://preuniversity.grkraj.org/html/9_GENETICS_files/image004.gif
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… Law stating that Allows each parent to contribute half the Chromosomes. Law stating that pairs of genes separate in meiosis and each gamete receives one gene of a pair Law of Segregation
LAW OF INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT http://spot.pcc.edu/~jvolpe/b/bi102/lec/wk2/image/figure10.8.jpg
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… Different genes sort separately from each other. The gene for eye color sorts separately from hair color, and skin color, etc… Law of Independent Assortment
GENOTYPE vs. PHENOTYPE http://lams.slcusd.org/pages/teachers/saxby/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/genotype-phentype.gif
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… The genetic makeup of an organism Written with the letters of alleles: Aa, TT, bb, etc. Genotype
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… The external (physical) appearance of an organism that is determined by the individual’s genotype Written as the Physical Trait: Brown hair, blue eyes, short, etc. Phenotype
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… An organism that is homozygous for a trait Ex: AA or aa Purebred
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… An organism that is heterozygous for a trait Ex: Aa Hybrid
PROBABILITY http://www.cartoonstock.com/lowres/shr1126l.jpg
Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… The likelihood that something will happen Ex: dice, coin-flipping, chance of have blue eyes, etc. Probability
PUNNETT SQUARE http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_hW5DgGNOtTw/R69n1CJbHCI/AAAAAAAAABk/7HEv1XCSjI4/s320/punnet+square.jpg
A model used to determine the probabilities of the Vocabulary Word Definition Other Things to Know… Mom’s alleles go together on one side and Dad’s go together on the other. A model used to determine the probabilities of the results of a genetic cross Punnett Square
Drill # 15 2/20/14 Which of these best describes the correct sequence in the expression of a trait? trait → gene → enzyme gene → protein → trait protein → gene → trait gene → trait → DNA
Drill #17 3/2/15 How would our lab results change if a larger population was polled? Why?
SWBAT Explain Mendel’s experiment Demonstrate how the results of his experiment paved the path to understanding genes.
Agenda PTC Extension Mendel notes
Drill # 15 2/20/14 Which of these best describes the correct sequence in the expression of a trait? trait → gene → enzyme gene → protein → trait protein → gene → trait gene → trait → DNA
Lab Reports Data tables and graphs must have: Conclusion must: proper titles that identify independent and dependent variables properly labeled axes Conclusion must: identify whether the hypothesis was supported use data to support your claim connect with previous research identify sources of errors, relevance of findings and new problems.
http://science. discovery http://science.discovery.com/tv-shows/greatest-discoveries/videos/100-greatest-discoveries-shorts-genetics.htm
Gregor Mendel Founder of genetics (study of heredity) Monk who lived in a monastery Studied garden pea plants Researched heredity= the passing of genetic traits from parent to offspring
MENDEL’S EXPERIMENTS Pollinated pea plants Self-pollination Transfer of pollen to same flower or plant Cross pollination Transfer of pollen between 2 different plants Studied 7 pea plant characteristics Height, pea color, seed texture, seed color, flower color, etc.
Pea Plant Characteristics
Genes Genes-part of the DNA on a chromosome that controls a particular trait Alleles- alternate forms of a gene 2 types Dominant-masks Capital letters: A, R, F, T, B Recessive-the masked Lowercase letters: a, r, f, t, b
Examples Homozygous dominant Homozygous recessive Heterozygous BB bb
Drill #16 2/26/15 What process produces male and female sex cells in plants? mitosis meiosis replication fertilization
Sample Question What process produces male and female sex cells in plants? mitosis meiosis replication fertilization
Sample Question A pair of laboratory mice are crossed to obtain offspring. Three alleles found in the female gamete are ABC. Three alleles found in the male gamete are Abc. What is formed when a male gamete combines with a female gamete? zygote egg sperm chromosome
Sample Question A pair of laboratory mice are crossed to obtain offspring. Three alleles found in the female gamete are ABC. Three alleles found in the male gamete are Abc. What is formed when a male gamete combines with a female gamete? zygote egg sperm chromosome
Sample Question Apomixis is a type of asexual reproduction in which adult plants grow directly from egg cells. Which of these does not occur during apomixis? mitosis translation fertilization transcription
Sample Question Apomixis is a type of asexual reproduction in which adult plants grow directly from egg cells. Which of these does not occur during apomixis? mitosis translation fertilization transcription
Sample Questions Which of these make up the primary link between a gene and the expression of a trait? proteins sugars lipids vitamins
Sample Questions Which of these make up the primary link between a gene and the expression of a trait? proteins sugars lipids vitamins