East Pediment: The Birth of Athena
Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends (1868)
Full scale reproduction of the Parthenon, Nashville, TN
Parthenon, view of the west pediment
Polykleitos, The Doryphoros, Roman Copy of Greek mid-5th century BC original Kouros Figure, ca. 540-515 BC Kritios Boy, ca. 480 BC
Leonardo da Vinci, Study of a Man According to Vitruvius (Vitruvian Man), 1485-1490
Le Corbusier, Modulor Man (1943-1955)
Le Corbusier, Towards a New Architecture (English edition: 1927)
Left: Parthenon (architects: Iktinos and Kallikrates), 447-432 BCE Left: Parthenon (architects: Iktinos and Kallikrates), 447-432 BCE. Marble. Right: Villa Savoye (architect: Le Corbusier), 1928-1931. Reinforced concrete.