TSM 251 Mentoring Project Joseph Ankley
Mentoring Project Received access information for Alma School District’s Blackboard program Collected information from school’s computer that was relevant to FFA subject area Added files to Alma FFA Blackboard space including Chapter’s POA, Constitution, local and state applications, and contest rules Provided links to the National FFA website and the Michigan FFA website
Home Page
Course Documents
Alma FFA Information
Alma FFA Application
Michigan FFA Application
External Links
Learning Experience Learned how to access Blackboard and how it could be used in the classroom Learned to upload information to the Blackboard website Met with another teacher to discuss applicability to the classroom and how she is currently using it in her classes
Contact Information Joseph Ankley 5010 Oakbrook Dr. Lansing, MI 48910 ankleyjo@msu.edu Mr. Burt Henry Alma High School- Agriscience Program 1500 Pine Avenue Alma, MI 48801 bhenry@almaschools.net