How would you define an empire?
Indian Empires
Today you will be able to… Define empire and golden age Explain the achievements of Ancient Indian Empires Analyze whether or not the United States is or has gone through a golden age
EMPIRE A group of states or territories controlled by one ruler. What are some famous Empires in history?
Maurya 321-185 BC
Maurya 321-185 BC 1st empire of India
Maurya 321-185 BC 1st empire of India Set up a bureaucracy – system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials
Maurya Asoka Leader of Empire Converts to Buddhism Sent missionaries across Asia Created peace and prosperity Dies and empire declines
Missionaries spreading Buddhism Spreading culture/ideas This is an example of what?
Edicts of Ashoka
Gupta 320 – 550 AD Has a Golden Age – period of great cultural achievements
GOLDEN AGE Period of Cultural Achievement. Usually because of stable government
Gupta 320 – 550 AD Has a Golden Age: Which of the achievements below is false? Concept of zero Decimal system Arabic numerals Vaccinations against small pox Set bones Plastic surgery Refrigeration Stupas – large dome shaped shrines
Pillars of Indian Life The Caste System The “Complex” Caste System
Pillars of Indian Life Family Life Joint family Patriarchal Dowry Women’s Lives/Status “Shakti” Arranging Marriages
Pillars of Indian Life Village Life Throughout history- the “heart of life” Each village depends on roles of different caste members Villages are Self-Sufficient Planned for monsoons
IDEAS? Remember- Info and pictures! Caste System Aryans- Founders Hindu beliefs… Hindu Priests, Gods Village Life Monsoons Self-sufficient Council of Elders Family Life Shakti Dowry Graded on Creativity, effort, information OUTSIDE INFO???