Figure S1. Sequence alignment of Arabidopsis NodGS with other plant and fungal orthologues. Abbreviations are as follows: Populus trichocarpa (Ptr), Ricinus.


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Presentation transcript:

Figure S1. Sequence alignment of Arabidopsis NodGS with other plant and fungal orthologues. Abbreviations are as follows: Populus trichocarpa (Ptr), Ricinus communis (Rco), Vitis vinifera (Vvi), Arabidopsis thaliana (Ath), Oryza sativa (Osa), Physcomitrella patens (Ppa), Aspergillus nidulans (Ani), and Ajellomyces capsulatus (Aca). ). The chemical nature of the individual amino acids is color-coded as follows: cyan, W,F,V,Y,L,I,H,M,A; orange, G; yellow, P; magenta, D,E; green, N,S,T,Q; red, R,K; pink, C. Identical amino acids are marked with asterisk, conserved substitutions are marked with colon, and semi-conserved substitutions are marked with dot.