Mrs. Nix’s required materials for Science: -folder -composition notebook -pen/pencil ( mechanical preferred ) -paper -large pkg. elmers glue sticks -map pencils -scissors -hand held pencil sharpener General Information for Science: Missed work needs to be picked up by the student when he/she returns to school. Days allowed to make up work follow WFISD guidelines. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they get their missed work and that it is made up within the timeframe outlined in the district policy. The student will need to see me, to get their missed work, either after school or when class is dismissed. I will be happy to discuss this with the student during this time. I will not have time before class starts to discuss this with your student as I am trying to focus on getting class started. Tutorials: After school help is available in my room on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05-4:00. My conference: 8:34-9:19 Email: Phone: 940-235-1118 General Expectations of your child in Science Class: Time Spent out of class: Your child will receive an emergency pass, every six weeks, that he/she can use at the teachers discretion. This pass allows your child to the leave the classroom, 3 times, each six weeks, to go to the restroom, get a drink during class, go to their locker during class, etc. It is imperative that your child use this pass wisely, as this will be the only time they will be allowed to leave the classroom. Emergencies will be an exception. If your child loses his/her pass, then another one is not issued. No Name on paper: 20 points will be deducted from papers that have no name. It is up to the student to come claim the “no name” paper. Once it has been identified as their work, they must put their name on the paper and turn it back in to me so I can get it recorded in the gradebook. Extra Credit: No extra credit is offered for this course; although students have numerous times each six weeks to earn bonus points to be added toward assignments. Science Grading Policy: Tests = 40% Quizzes/Daily work = 30% Labs = 30% Late work policy: 1 day late is a 10 pt deduction in grade. 5 points off the grade each day turned in late until the following Friday deadline. Grade of 0 if turned in after the following Friday deadline. Suffix/Prefixes Assignment: Students in Advanced Science will be required to do suffix/prefix words (s/p words) to help enhance their vocabulary knowledge of terms used in class. They will be assigned every Monday and tested over every Friday. This is the only assignment that I do not accept late as they are given on a Monday and have an entire week to complete them, to be turned in by Friday. No exceptions, other than an absence is considered “excused”. Student Assignments for Science: An assignment sheet will be printed out every Monday for students to pick up as they enter the room. This is for your child and you to keep so that you are aware of what we are doing in class on a day to day basis. It will also include due dates for assignments, test dates, etc. I also post my assignments on the webpage. Please note ** Sometimes we may finish a little early or run a little behind due to re-teaching, therefore, assignment sheets are tentative and subject to change from day to day. I also use to send reminders to parents and students regarding homework due dates and upcoming test dates. Sign up sheets will be coming home with your student first week of school.