Creating A Research Website: A Cultural-Historical Psychology Research Guide. Maria Pestovnikova University of California, San Diego; Department of Psychology The Index Page My Project Take A Look At One Of The Pages… This summer I have been working on creating a cultural-historical psychology website. My website will serve a purpose of a guide through research on cultural-historical psychology. Namely, it will: a) get people acknowledged with cultural psychology b)give them a brief history of the science c)give them an overview of the research done and who’s doing it d)tell them what’s new and exciting in the field The Research The goal of cultural-historical psychologists is to study the role of culture in the lives of people and to design psychological tests with culture in mind. In order to accomplish this goal they must study every country first-hand, and then use the data gathered. This poses quite a few challenges: monetary issues, difficulty of replicating the experiments, and mainly, the lack of central database to feed the information into. The Research Page My Contribution My main objective in creating the website is to ease the research for the researchers, as well as to get the novices in the field interested in more. When doing “research on the research” in cultural-historical psychology, I found it difficult to find a database that would contain all the information I needed. This is when I decided to create a website that will guide people through the history of cultural-historical psychology, let them find out about the research, and give the contact info for the people they need. Swazi Research Future Work My project does not end with the poster session. I will continue working on developing the website by: 1)doing a 199 this fall with Michael Cole, PhD 2)possibly publishing the site as a part of professor Cole ‘s website 3)possible publication with the Department of Psychology Torres Straits Research Acknowledgements Contact Information •Calit2 •Michael Cole, PhD •University of California, San Diego •Email: •Maria Pestovnikova