Computer Systems An Overview of the Undergraduate Degree Programme Professor Andrew Ireland School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh
Undergraduate Programmes Information Systems BSc 4 years Computer Science BSc 4 years
Undergraduate Programmes Computer Systems BSc 4 years A broad foundation, with a strong emphasis on practice as well as a more socio-technical perspective
Common Thread First Year Software Development, Interactive Systems, Praxis, Computer Systems, Web Design & Databases Second Year Interaction Design, Software Design, Database Management Systems Third Year Group Project & Professional Development Fourth Year Dissertation Project Options, e.g. from Computer Games Programming to Rigorous Methods for Software Engineering, and Computing in the Classroom to Big Data, …
Computer Systems First Year As Computer Science, but Logic & Proof can be replaced by an Elective Second Year Data Structures & Algorithms, Web Programming, Programming Languages and 2 courses from: Hardware-Software Interface, Discrete Mathematics, Creative Design Project, Operations Management Third Year Data Communications and Networking, Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems & Concurrency, Language Processors, Socio-technical & Soft Systems
Industrial Collaborators Industrial research collaborators include: SciSys, Ikea communications, Sword CiBoodle (Graham Tech), Natasha Marshall Designs, Grantwestfield, BAE Systems, Altrans, Motorola, EcoLogic, Maplesoft, Mupad, C2 Software, 4sight Financial Software, Agilent Technologies UK Ltd, Chevron, Automation Consultants, Scott Logic, SeeByte Ltd, Wolfson Microelectronics plc, Epistemy, AbsInt, Selex, Waterfall Solutions, SAP, Ontotext, Space Application Services, D-RisQ, …. Guest lectures from industry Industrial Steering Committee Diploma in Industrial Training (New for 2016-17)
Student Equipment Fund Parrot AR Drone – student used open source computer vision and machine learning software library to develop control code for the drone Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headset – student used it to develop a small virtual puzzle in a fully immersive 3D environment
Other Cool Stuff Game jams and hackathons (Games Society) Summer Internships within our research groups Big Sister/Little Sister Scheme – new female students are paired up with current female students: Provides a help/support network Social events, e.g. Ada Lovelace Day quiz joint with Dubai Go Global …
Malaysia Campus founded 2013 Go Global! Dubai Campus founded 2005 Malaysia Campus founded 2013
Graduate Opportunities Computer & Communications BSkyB, HP, IBM, Nokia, Sky, Sun Microsystems, Unisys Systems, … IT & Management Consultancies Accenture, Atos Origin, Deloitte MCS, EDS, Logica, PA Consulting, … Public Sector Scottish Government, Local Government, UK Civil Service, GCHQ, … Financial Services Sector HSBC, National Australia, Prudential, Scottish Widows, Standard Life, … Wider Industry Agilent Technologies, BAE Systems, Altran (Praxis High Integrity Systems), BP, QinetiQ, Thales Optronics, … Academia PhD, Research Associate, Lecturer, Reader, Professor, … Software Houses & Developers Sword Ciboodle (Graham Technology), Newell & Budge, Oracle, Scott Logic,… Internet, eCommerce, Multi-media Google, Amaze, Computershare, Ezone Interactive, Media International,…
Graduate Opportunities 90% of our graduates are in work or further study within six months of graduating Larry Page and Sergey Brin Founders of Google
Quality Measures Professional Accreditation The British Computer Society (BCS) The Engineering Council BCS Accreditation Visit 2015: Commendation for Best Practice in Student Mentoring Commendation for Best Practice in Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues Accreditation applies to Edinburgh and Dubai
Quality Measures National Student Survey (NSS) An independent survey which gathers evidence from graduating students on their Student Experience Computer Science at Heriot-Watt has been consistently scoring over 90% for overall satisfaction Athena Swan Bronze Award 2015 Combating underrepresentation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Mathematics (STEMM) Advancing the careers of women in STEMM research and academia
Research Excellence Framework 2014 The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions Heriot-Watt is a world-leading, research-led university – which is reflected in the Learning and Teaching experience of our students Heriot-Watt: 22nd in UK and 3rd in Scotland Computer Science: 23rd in UK and 3rd in Scotland
5 Reasons to Study Computer Science at Heriot-Watt Students really value our research-led teaching by our enthusiastic staff You can choose to focus in your final year on an area of particular interest to you We are based in a friendly, green campus with top-class facilities Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city, is a vibrant place to live and study The Computer Science department has been delivering BCS-accredited programmes for more than 30 years