21st Century Skills Project Mission Driven – Vision Led Inspired by NESA FLC 2009 and 2012 Tara Waudby waudbyt@ask.edu.kw tarawaudby@gmail.com www.coetail.com/tarawaudby @tarawaudby
Take Away Today Why Measure Soft Skills? How to begin defining soft- skills as a faculty Using technology as tool for collaboration Practical Resources Why focus on Mission? Comparing Definitions The Project Tools, Tips, Discussion
NETS Common Core 21st Century Skills Accreditation Mission is Everywhere!
What is your Mission? The American School of Kuwait inspires life-long learners empowered to excel in American higher education and the global community as productive, compassionate citizens. Practice Compassion Make a Difference Learn for Life What are you really asking students when you say this? What can you measure here? How do you define it?
What does your Mission look like? What soft-skills are present? Can you define them? Can everyone agree? How will you measure it?
Individual Pair Group Creativity http://goo.gl/l7k3L7
What behaviors lead to learning? How do we define student achievement? As a teacher, how do you define student achievement? Where do the common core, our Mission, and 21st Century Skills fit in with your priorities? What is the student achievement outcome? Are we preparing students for routine or non-routine jobs? Disney World Analogy How do we get them to line up for an hour for a 3-minute ride, and then want to do it again? Remember the learning video? The point was to show that learning involves a number of things – challenge, hard work, frustration and the ultimate goal is autonomy and transfer Before anything, we have to be on the same page with regards to achievement. How do we define student achievement? What behaviors lead to learning?
http://goo.gl/DjmzkS Measuring What Matters – Digital Story
“Without a commitment to Mission, we don’t really have a school…” “Schools exist to cause learning…” Schooling by Design & Wiggins
Barkley Backward Design Process LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR PLC & COLLABORATION TEACHER BEHAVIOR STUDENT BEHAVIOR Instructional Coaching with the End in Mind What is our definition of student achievement that drives our work? i.e. literacy What student behavior needs to be initiated or increased to gain the desired student achievement? i.e. reading for pleasure What teacher behaviors are most likely to generate the desired student behaviors? i.e. independent reading; book studies What changes need to occur in how we work with each other to support needed teacher behaviors? i.e. CPT – moving beyond to interdisciplinary collaboration What leadership behaviors are needed to support desired staff, teacher, parent and student behaviors? i.e. structures; support STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT
What ideas does this generate for you? What possibilities? What questions? Concerns? http://goo.gl/1iZ53 Rubrics and Resources
Backward Design Process Practice Compassion - Make a Difference - Learn for Life Backward Design Process Identify Desired Results Determine Acceptable Evidence Barkley, Arpin, Wiggins Plan Learning Experiences
Connection & Purpose
Ongoing Process of Learning Planning with Mission in mind Measure process and product Teaching and modeling learning behaviors Refine existing rubrics & assessments Create new assessments Collaborating, Sharing & Communication Ongoing Process of Learning Reflecting Back, Moving Forward
waudbyt@ask. edu. kwtarawaudby@gmail. com www. coetail waudbyt@ask.edu.kwtarawaudby@gmail.com www.coetail.com/tarawaudby @tarawaudby