Earth Materials
Minerals Naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline solid that has a definite chemical composition
Naturally Occurring Formed in nature and not by people
Inorganic Is not made from or composed of life forms
Crystalline Has a specific arrangement of atoms
IAOA The Internal Arrangement Of the Atoms specify the physical and chemical properties of a mineral
What 2 elements make up most of Earth’s Crust?
Silicon and Oxygen combing to form…. Silicates (SiO4)
They also form a very SPECIFIC STRUCTURE Silicates They also form a very SPECIFIC STRUCTURE
Silicon-oxygen tetrahedra are the basic building blocks for silicate minerals
How can we identify a mineral? PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
COLOR VERY POOR indicator because the SAME mineral can be the DIFFERENT colors
VERY POOR indicator because DIFFERENT mineral can be the SAME colors
STREAK The powder form of a mineral Much more reliable than color
LUSTER How LIGHT reflects off a minerals Examples: Glassy, Metallic, Non-Metallic
Cleavage the mineral breaks in a predictable pattern because of its arrangement of atoms
The minerals breaks randomly FRACTURE The minerals breaks randomly
HARDNESS RESISTANCE to being scratched Not the same as breaking For example: You can easily break glass with steel, but steel WILL NOT scratch glass