The Social Democrats and the Beginning of the Bolsheviks
1898 – Minsk Conference – first real attempt to create a Russian Marxist party. “Russian Socialist Democratic Workers Party” Former populists = Plekhanov – “father of Russian communism”, Vera Zasulich and Axlerod Most of delegates arrested.
George Plekhanov Joined Land and Liberty. It split though over whether to use terrorism or not (People’s will v Black repartition) Plekhanov leader of BP Forced into exile in January, 1880, he became Russia's leading Marxist In 1883 joined with Axelrod to form the “Liberation of Labour” . Published many books about Marxism.
Vera Zasulich Revolutionary Sought revenge when a fried was beaten by police. Went to the local prison and shot Dmitry Trepov, the Governor General of St. Petersburg. Charged with attempted murder. During the trial the defence produced evidence of such abuses by the police, and Zasulich conducted herself with such dignity, that the jury acquitted her. When the police tried to re-arrest her outside the court, the crowd intervened and allowed her to escape. Forced into hiding but remained active in politics and was a strong supporter of Plekhanov Later she served on the editorial board of Iskra.
Pavel Axelrod Like Plekhanov – Land and Liberty. Black Reparitions. Then “Liberation of Labour”
It was significant for two reasons Created a party Adopted a policy “scientific socialism” – Marxism Followed the “Communist Manifesto” (“Bourgeois democratic + Socialist revolutions) SDs – interpreted and adapted Marx to Russia – i.e. necessary for the proletariat to help in the BD stage of revolution.
“The hegemony of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie” – concept that proletariat would lead the bourgeoisie into the first stage of the revolution (BD)
Lenin’s emergence
Born 1870. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Middle Class family Simbirsk Alexander = Narodnik = “Narodna Volya (The People's Will )” 1887 – arrested for conspiracy to assassinate the Tsar (Alexander III). Hanged. In 1887 – Kazan Uni – law – expelled (student demos). Re-entered 1888.
Ulyanov read Plekhanov’s writings. Went to student Marxist group meetings. By 1892 he had completed a law degree at St Petersburg. Wrote own translation of “Communist Manifesto”. Practiced law.
1895 founded, with Martov, “The League of struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class”. To put theory into practice – factory agitation + distributing political leaflets to workers. Arrested and imprisoned. 30,000 workers went on strike – initiated by Ulyanov. 3 years – exile to Siberia.
Martov Jew Close colleague of Ulyanov Co founder of “The League of struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class”.
In exile… Met Plekhanov Married socialist activist Nadezhda Krupskaya April 1899 published “The development of Capitalism in Russia” Exile ended 1900
1900 – key date Underground newspaper started. Iskra “the Spark”. Editorial team = Ulyanov, Martov, Potresov (“hard side” of the board) Plekhanov, Axelrod and Zasulich (“Soft side”.
Alexander Potresov In 1892 he contacted the exiled Emancipation of Labour group Arranged for Plekhanov's writings to be published in Russia legally. Helped found the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class.
Highly influential in directing the policy of the party as only effective means of communicating SD policy across the scattered groups in Russia. Editorial board acknowledged as party leaders.
1901 = Lenin Emerging as leader with most dynamism. Idea = all members have same policy – a successful revolutionary party could not have varied opinions. Wanted a strictly defined party policy.
1902 “What is to be done” Formally set out Lenin’s ideas Opposed Narodniks – saw “proletariat as the driving force behind the revolution” Opposed theoretical/Legal Marxists – i.e. those who talked about the writings. He wanted revolutionary and socialist actions. Opposed to the Marxists Economists who believed that workers should restrict themselves to using trade unions to improving their economic life. Lenin stated they should make political and economic demands.
Lenin – did not commit himself to Marx’s timing of the two stages of the revolution. (BD first then SR) Lenin also doubted the ability of the proletariat to spontaneously begin the revolution. They would need to be given a political consciousness first.
Lenin’s 2 fundamental principles Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement (i.e. intellectuals would lead the movement not opportunists from the workers) SD consciousness was not spontaneous but came from without (i.e. party was separate from class – so a small intellectual elite would lead the revolution of behalf of the proletariat)
A blending of revolutionary theory with revolutionary practice… A small close knit Vanguard group of dedicated revolutionaries went against the concept of “hegemony of the proletariat”. BUT this type of group would also mean that it was not as easy for the police to infiltrate or crush it. The “cadres” would work within factory committees and take orders from the party’s central committee.
Bolsheviks and Mensheviks July 1903 – 2nd Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (held in Brussels and then London) 23 socialist organisations were represented and the Jewish Bund. Iskra dominated the congress (33 out of 51 votes)
Main purpose = party programme. On the whole sessions went well – theoretically they adopted orthodox Marxist view of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”. Practical side of programme = universal suffrage, freedom of speech, conscience and assembly, election of judges, separation of church and state, free and universal education. Economic demands = 8 hr day, prohibition of child labour, limitations on type of work done by women, state insurance for old age and sickness, prohibition of payment of wages and fines in kind.
Demanded overthrow of autocracy and calling of Constituent Assembly. Not too radical demands as did not want to alienate radical bourgeoisie at this stage.
Problems came with discussion over the constitution of the party and the eligibility for party membership.
“Vanguard Party” – define membership as “One who accepts its programme and supports it both materially and by personal participation in one of its organisations.” Martov wanted a broader base and to define membership as “One who accepts its programme and supports it both materially and by regular co-operation under the leadership of one of its organisations.”
Issue – directly split the SD party. Martov – supported by Trotsky, Bund, Economists and “soft” Iskra members. Lenin – supported by Plekhanov = defeated.
But.. Bund withdrew from congress (questions raised about whether they should be the only representatives of Jews in Russia) Economists withdrew – protested at Iskra being sole party organ abroad. Martov’s majority disappeared – Lenin in control
Lenin proposed reducing Iskra board to 3 members – Martov, Plekhanov and himself. Martov refused. But Lenin won the vote!!! Party split = Lenin and the Bolsheviks (majority) Martov and the Mensheviks (minority)
Lenin and Plekhanov split.. Plekhanov wanted a reconciliation with the Mensheviks. Lenin wanted their expulsion. Lenin resigned from Iskra board – it was now a Menshevik paper which accused him of wanted “Dictatorship over the proletariat”. Lenin – Newspaper = Vperyod (forward)
Russian society reflected the split Mensheviks – skilled and more organised workers who saw possibility of improving their lives with the bourgeoisie political framework. Bolsheviks – unskilled labour from old industries in centres should as St P. and Moscow who had nothing left to lose.