Soft x-ray properties of XIS FI and BI CCD onboard Astro-E2 (SUZAKU)


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Presentation transcript:

Soft x-ray properties of XIS FI and BI CCD onboard Astro-E2 (SUZAKU) [5898-32] Soft x-ray properties of XIS FI and BI CCD onboard Astro-E2 (SUZAKU) K. Hayashida, K. Torii, M. Namiki, S. Katsuda, M. Shoji, T. Miyauchi, D. Matsuura, H. Tsunemi (Osaka Univ, Japan); T. Kohmura (Kogakuinn Univ, Japan); H. Katayama, (JAXA, Japan) and the SUZAKU XIS team ©ISAS/JAXA

XIS Components XIS-Sensors AE/TCE DE CCID41-FI CCD EU (Engineering Unit) FM FI0,FI1,FI2,FI3 CCID41-BI CCD FM BI0,BI1 AE/TCE FM AE/TCE01,23 EM AE/TCE DE FM 4PPU+MPU *)FM Spare before Launch

Calibration Task Share Components Location X-ray Source QE reference Chip level CSR/MIT Fluorescent X-rays (C,O,F,Al,Si,P,Ti,Mn,Cu) ACIS chips calibrated at BESSY Camera without OBF +FM AE Osaka Grating Spectrometer 0.2-2.2keV Polypro-window Gas PC & XIS-EU Kyoto Fluorescent X-rays (Al,Cl,Ti,Mn,Fe,Zn,Se) Window-less SSD OBF Synchrotron Facility Synchrotron X-rays + monochrometer (Transmission measurement with PIN diode) Camera onboard the satellite ISAS/JAXA 55Fe

XIS Data Reduction Frame Data /8sec Event data XIS Response depends on the reduction procedure Frame Data /8sec Dark-level Subtraction Event Pickup (PH(E)>Event Threshold) 5x5 mode, 3x3 mode or 2x2 mode Event data Charge Trail Correction Grading / PHA-reproduction for PH(i)>Split Threshold PHA-dependent Split Threshold for BI Bad Columns Filter Spectrum / Image / Light Curve Onboard DE * :Newly introduced On the ground

Charge Trail PH(2)= preceding pixel ,PH(7)=trailing pixel BI1 5.9keV X-ray incidence PH [ADU] RAWY a b Near readout node d c b Far from readout node a c d

Grade branching Ratio (BI1) Before the Charge Trail Correction After the Charge Trail Correction

Optimization of Split Threshold for BI1 G02346 event number FWHM (eV) Spth (ADU)

PHA-dependent SpTh PHA-dependent Split Threshold for BI

Calibration Facility in the Osaka Clean Room Detector Chamber Manson Soft X-ray Generator Hetrick Spectrometer

Dispersion (Grating) Spectrum projection X-ray image X-ray energy FWHM~5eV O-Kα(0.53keV) こちらがCCDで得られたX線画像です。分散X線が上下方向に当たっています。低エネルギーほど下に分散されていまして、CCDのこの方向の位置とエネルギーは1対1に対応しています。このような明るい筋は、特性X線に対応しています。これを分散方向にプロジェクションしたのがこちらの図です。このようにして得たエネルギースペクトルは、CCDで得られるイベントのエネルギー情報よりもはるかに優れたエネルギー分解能のスペクトルが得られます。このスペクトルを我々は分散スペクトルと呼びます。以降、この分散スペクトルをもとに解析を行いました。 C-Kα (0.28keV) Dispersion direction Number of events/columns

Line profile against O-K line incidence Astro-E1 (FI) XIS Astro-E2 (FI) XIS 5 kV FI2 PHA(ADU) XIS1 (H.Katayama master thesis)

Four components model for monochromatic X-ray (1) Main peak: photoabsorption in depletion layer (2) Sub peak: charge loss below the split threshold (3) Triangle: channel stop (4) Constant: SiO2 Layer F3 Parameters: T1 (normalization), C1(center), S1(sigma) T2 (relative to T1), C2(spth/2, fixed), S2 (1.78×S1, fixed) T3 (relative to T1), F3(Triangle width, 0.5×C1) T4 (relative to T1) → 6 free parameters Structure of BI chip (MIT)

Oxygen-K (E=525eV) Line Profile BI S1: 4.7ch~7.7%(FWHM) T2: 0.039 T3<1.8e-3 T4=6.5e-3 S1: 5.1ch~9.0%(FWHM) T2: 0.030 T3<2.9e-4 T4=1.1e-2 Pulse Height Pulse Height Both FI and BI spectra are well reproduced by the 4 component model.

55Fe Line Profile FI3 BI1 Energy [keV] Energy [keV] In addition to the 4 components model, Si-K escape and Si-K fluorescence lines are included.

Ex-PH Relation (Linearity) BI FI Energy [keV] Energy [keV]

Ex-PH Relation (Low Energy Region) FI BI Energy [keV] Energy [keV]

Quantum Efficiency (QE) XIS-FM(FI0) Gas PC XIS-EU(FI) XIS-FM(FI2) XIS-FM(FI3) Absolute QE by slant incident method Relative QE measurement using Grating Spectrometer XIS-FM(BI1) CCD design value Relative QE among XIS were accuratly measured. Reference of the Absolute QE can be either QE of the gas PC for which we conducted slant incident measurement. QE calculated from the design value of XIS BI-CCD, of which QE is close to 1. Comparing both results will show systematic error of the absolute QE of XIS-FMs.

Slant Incident Method: Application to Gas PC X-rays X-rays We determined to use the Gas PC as the reference counter

Ratio of Counting rate of Gas PC 30°/0° 45°/0° Best fit estimate Poly propylene thickness 1.01±0.06mm H2O 0.281±0.048mm P10gas dead layer 79.6±9.7mm

XIS-EU and Gas PC cross calibration using a entrance slit

PC Spectra and CCD Spectra PC (0.525keV) XIS-EU (0.525keV)

QE(PC)->QE(EU)->XIS BI1 QE -1deg offset slant-PC is assumed Best Fit Estimates HfO2 0.005mm fixed Ag 0.001mm fixed SiO2 0.000±0.0005mm Si depletion 43.6±0.7mm Constant Factor 0.961±0.003 Some data points exceeds 1 Difficult to reproduce 0.28keV QE with simple absorption models. At low energy side, artificial cutoff in the form of erf(Ex) is introduced. This model QE is used as a new reference.

FI2 QE (QE(FI2)/QE(BI1))x BI1-QE-model =>QE(FI2) Best Fit Estimates SiO2 0.440±0.004mm Si 0.288±0.004mm Si3N4 0.026mm fixed  Si depletion 70.4±1.5mm Constant Factor 1.00 fixed (QE(FI2)/QE(BI1))x BI1-QE-model =>QE(FI2) Detailed gate structure is taken into account

XAFS near the O-Kedge FI-2 Eedge = 0.532 ±0.001 keV red. c2 = 1.3178 (d.o.f. = 418)

Soft X-ray Transmission of OBFs were separately measured. Kitamoto et al., 2003, NIMA 505,p683

SUZAKU Lauch M-V 6 rocket ©ISAS/JAXA SUZAKU Lauch M-V 6 rocket 12:30 JST July 10, 2005 From USC, Japan Orbit ~560km nearly Circle after deltaV operation was established. Extensible Optical Bench was deployed. 3axies attitude control system are working. All the detector systems (XRS,XIS,HXD) were powered on. Initial operations to set up detectors is now going in order to start real observation from mid August.

Current XIS status Jul 25th: 1st CCD frame data from all the four cameras. Jul 27th1:CCDs was cooled down to -90degC (nominal temp) with TECs. Various clocking mode (timed exposure, parallel sum etc.) are beeing tested. Parameters for on-board digital processing on are now beeing tuned. (Dark level determination parameter etc.) Doors will be opened on Aug3rd to get 1st light. Target is TBD. XIS0 frame data -90degC on Jul27th 55Fe event + Cosmic Rays

Clibration Source 55Fe Spectra 2005Jul28 14:35- 8sec x 607 frames CCD = -90degC, timed exposure. 55Fe calibration sources are mounted on the door of the cameras, which will not be availale after the door open. MnKa FWHM(eV) obtained camera quadA quadB quadC quadD XIS FI0 138.2 137.1 139.6 138.1 XIS BI1 141.4 146.0 138.3 139.3 XIS FI2 145.6 141.5 132.8 139.0 XIS FI3 142.7 142.7 141.8 140.8 PHA (XIS FI0 quadrantA) by H. Yamauchi All the CCDs and their readouts, and Analog, Digital electronics are working properly. Parameter tuning for on board digital processing is under going, which will improve FWHM slightly.

Summary We have completed the calibration experiments on the ground for XIS flight models. Data reduction procedures were upgraded for SUZAKU XISs. 1st version of the response matrices are ready (QE, Ex-PH, spectral profile). XIS are working properly in the orbit. We all hope to get beautiful 1st light image.