GCSE Knowledge organiser Germany, 1918-1933 Germany timeline, 1918-32 1. 1918 1. Abdication of Wilhelm II, 9th Nov; armistice signed, 11th Nov. 2. 1919 2. Paris Peace Conference, Spartacist Uprising, Jan; Treaty of Versailles, 28th June; Weimar Republic, Ebert becomes President, Aug; Hitler joins DAP, Sep. 3. 1920 3. Kapp Putsch, Mar; SA formed, Oct. 4. 1921 4. Reparations fixed at £6.6billion, Apr. 5. 1922 5. Germany misses a reparations payment, May. 6. 1923 6. Ruhr Crisis, Passive Resistance, Hyperinflation, Jan onwards; Munich Putsch, 8th/9th Nov. 7. 1924 7. Hitler imprisoned, writes Mein Kampf, Apr; Dawes Plan; Aug; Hitler released, Dec. 8. 1925 8. Hindenburg becomes President, Feb; Locarno Treaty, Oct. 9. 1926 9. Germany joins the League of Nations, Sep; Stresemann awarded Nobel Peace Prize, Dec. 10. 1928 10. Nazis win 12 seats, May; Kellogg-Briand Pact, Aug. 11. 1929 11. Young Plan, Aug; Stresemann dies, Wall St Crash, Oct. 12. 1930 12. Nazis win 107 seats, Sep. 13. 1932 13. Unemployment at 6 million; Nazis win 230 seats, July; Nazis win 196 seats, Von Papen resigns, Nov; Von Schleicher becomes Chancellor, Dec. 14. 1933 14. January Hitler becomes Chancellor Key words 1. Abdication 1. To leave the throne. 2. Armistice 2. An end to fighting. 3. Spartacists 3. Left-wing group; Luxemburg and Leibknecht. 4. Putsch 4. An attempt to take over the government. 5. Freikorps 5. Ex-soldiers. 6. DAP 6. German Workers’ Party, led by Drexler. 7. NSDAP 7. Nazis, led by Hitler. 8. Weimar Republic 8. Nickname for the democratic government. 9. President 9. Leader of Germany for 7 years. 10. Chancellor 10. Leader of the Reichstag, chosen by President. 11. Golden Twenties 11. Period of calm in the mid-1920s. 12. Mein Kampf 12. Hitler’s book: ‘My Struggle’. 13. Reparations 13. German payments to allied countries. 14. Article 231 14. War Guilt, term of the Treaty of Versailles. 15. Article 48 15. Emergency powers for the President. 16. Reichstag 16. German parliament. 17. Propaganda 17. Misleading information given to promote a certain point of view T.o.V Land Army Money Blame Key people 1. Gustav Stresemann 1. German Foreign Minister (1923-29) and Chancellor (1923). 2. Friedrich Ebert 2. First German President, 1918-25. 3. Anton Drexler 3. Leader of the DAP, 1919-21. 4. Adolf Hitler 4. Leader of the NSDAP, 1921-45. 5. Franz von Papen 5. Catholic Party Chancellor, 1932. 6. Paul von Hindenburg 6. General, war hero and President 1925-34. 7. Kaiser Wilhelm II 7. Emperor of Germany, 1888-1918